
  • for the warm welcome and the helpful information

  • hmmm. channon. i'm sorry we haven't been terribly responsive... there are relatively few of us on this forum, and we are not, unfortunately, always able to respond in as timely a fashion as we'd like.

    we realize that a HUGE amount of time and information are needed in order to make a decision, and it's often hard for us to answer very general questions. the answers can be long and involved, and because we know so little about you - and other new folks - completely off base..

    there are quite a few threads on this forum that can provide some background. if you need some help searching, send me a PM.

    as for the question you posed earlier, it's hard to even start answering. some people have medicare, and that makes things more complicated than with private insurance. other people have plans that readily approve surgery, others have to go through appeals.

    we're getting together some FAQs to help newbies... and we can use all the help we can get with this... so if you'd put on your thinking cap and come up with some specific questions, it'll help the whole process along...
  • no i really meant it... i had to go through the threads though
  • yeah there's a lot of info buried around here. my to-do for the memorial weekend is to reorganize the forum to make it easier for newbies to find stuff and for us old folks to figure out what we're doing!

    we're looking forward to hearing more about you, and your adventures. wls is NOT a quick fix... some people try to outsmart it, and others work on living with it. guess which ones manage to keep their weight off????