Just a stone (14lbs) to go...

  • Hi there!

    I'm on my last part of my WLJ and was wondering if there were many people out there with just that last little bit that they're struggling with, and not quite ready to move onto the Maintainer's Forum!

    It's a whole different ball park with those last little frustrating few pounds! I feel like I've deserved a cookie! I feel like I want to have my goal incentives RIGHT NOW! After all, I don't look bad, am in a reasonably small clothes size, but still I'm not quite ready for that bikini!

    A little bit about me...

    I'm currently studying for my finals at Uni (ouch!) and I suppose when they're out of the weigh then I'll begin to kick my butt into gear! I currently do a kickboxing class between 1-3 times a week. I've started jogging, I'm signed up for Race for Life on 26th June and I'm not on any particular plan. I basically count calories (about 1650 - my RMR) but try to eat mainly healthily with an allowance for cookies!

    So I guess this thread is for the lighter ladies who've been through it all and can't wait to get to goal! Join me! We'll make the last stretch a good 'un!
  • I'm with you here!
    Hey! This is exactly where I am now. I was at my highest this time last year at 172 and managed to get down a little by just stopping gorging myself on EVERYTHING. But I knew at Christmas that I had to give up more than a little (esp the cookie binging) to get down even further. I was at 165 when I started counting calories on January 3. I've now lost 23 pounds and REALLY want to lose 12 more. I'm 5'7" with a small frame. I recently joined a gym when I hit a plateau and have lost another 4 since then. I so want to look good in a bikini again before we start having kids!!

    A little about me. . .
    I'm 30 and married. I finished my Masters in Library Science last year and now I'm a Medical Librarian (a techie one though ). My DH is in college and has about 2 years left to go. I love to read and watch movies and surf the web - all sedentary activities! I also love the beach and water SOOO much and am most happy in a bikini and flip flops! I am determined to look good in that bikini!!

    I hope there are some others out there struggling with the last pounds and trying to fine tune their bodies with fitness. I hate to workout and I need motivation or coersion to keep doing it!
  • Hi Kerry! You can do it!

    I find that having something to work towards is a good goal, like maybe a 5k or a holiday? Why don't you try surfing? It's supposed to be really good for your abs!

    I'm also battling with the cookies! I've just bought oatcakes for the first time today! Oh they are so YUMMY! And filling! And they have 46cals each... A few more than some cookies I nibble on but they're GOOD FOR YOU!

    Ooh something else I also find useful as an incentive - buy something that's too small! Something that you REALLY then you have no excuse not to work out, cos you really want that dress/top/shorts!