Detox anyone?

  • MY doc (my dad a natroupathic doc) wants me to do a 24 hour detox to clean out my ststem. I would drink a lemonaid and cyanne pepper drink during this time and continue my prenatels. Has anyone done this while breastfeeding? HOw did it work? I am such a food addict I don't know if I can do this.
  • I'm not a doctor, but it doesn't sound healthy to me. I guess I am surprised that your doctor is suggesting it. I have never heard of lemonaid and cayenne pepper detoxing. May I ask why he/she wants you to do it?

    I know I couldn't go a whole day without eating. Nursing sucks my energy. I need at least a snack every time I breastfeed.

  • It doesn't sound very good to me, either. Run it by a lactation consultant if you can. You actually need a goodly amount of protein to produce breastmilk, and of course lots of fluids. I don't think lemonade & cayenne would really meet your nutritional requirements. (Aside from all that, any toxins you manage to release will go into your breastmilk.)
  • Sorry I haven't been back lately. I was supposed to do this because I came back with elevated liver emsymes in my blood work. We're still trying to figure out what happend to my liver, but the detox was to see if if we could clear things out. Right now the on going theroy is that I had HELLP when I was pregnant that wen undiagnosed by my stupid doctor and it damaged my liver.
  • I've seen a naturopathic doc that recommended a "cleanse", but there was nothing in that about weird fluids. It consisted of an entire week of not eating anything that was processed. Plain yogurts, water, fresh veggies, etc. Normal foods, just no processed foods.
  • I don't eat process foods at all. All the checmicals give me headaches. I actually did this 24 hour detox Friday and felt great and baby did fine too. So I supposed it helped, I guess I'll find out when I get retested in a couple weeks. The cayane pepper is know for its healing properties, heres a neat link if your interested
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you didn't know what you were doing. I'm glad everything went well during the detox. Hope your liver gets better. Hopefully the doctors can figure everything out.

  • I didn't think you were supposed to detox while nursing because the toxins are passed through the milk. or something along those lines.

    ETA: My husband does a gallbladder/liver flush that includes epsom salt, olive oil, lemons, tons of apples and apple juice.
  • my gf did a cayenne detox for a week once - it was some sort of tea. (she was not pregnant or nursing) She said it was awesome. To each their own is what I said.

    I wish I didn't eat process foods! Good for you!! (is chocolate processed )