Any runners out there?

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  • I just started running about 2 months ago. I bike also but think that running will be a more efficient way to help me lose weight. I would love a buddy or just to hear what has worked for others. Right now I run mostly with a club three days a week. Each run is about 3-3.5 miles at a very slow pace (10 1.2 minute miles at best). I have started to incorporate a 4th run each week where I run an even slower hour. I haven't measured it to figure out the distance, I just go.

    I'd love some advice on good foods to eat to help with energy or how to change my running routine to help with the weight loss. Actually, any advice and/or support would be appreciated.
  • I don't have any advice. But I love to run. I started running last October/November and it was very slow going at first. I'm running a 5K race tomorrow. This will be the first race I've run since early March and I'm worried about the heat and humidity. I know - it's only a 5K...

    I've been struggling to find any support for running. There don't seem to be many runners. I'm in no way an expert - just a runner for as long as I can until I get permanently grounded. I was grounded a couple of months ago but I'm ignoring that.

    So... tell ... what ARE you eating and HOW have you changed your routine???
  • Hi Tig - I ran my second 5k today in 30:35. This was good for me as I am not very fast either. How did your 5k go? i don't think there is anything shabby about a 5k. Someday this season I would like to do a 5 mile race but I'm not sure I could even aspire to a 10k this season. Some of it is that I just don't have enough time to run more.

    Can I ask what grounded you?

    I have to go right now to water my garden/farm so later I'll write about my routine. You can tell me about your running routine though.
  • I ran the 5K today - ran 15 minutes, walked 5 minutes, ran 7 minutes, walked 17 minutes, ran 3 minutes for a total of 42 minutes. It was over 80* at 8:00 AM when the race started and with the humidity, the heat index was in the 90s - the road surfaced added to the overall misery. And it was a BLAST. I was second in my age class and got a silver medal. My dearest Hubster and daughter came in first in their respective age categories and were awarded gold medals. My buddy from Tampa who decided to join us was awarded a bronze medal for placing third in her age category. Winners All!!

    Dearest Hubster is planning on graduating to 10K races next fall, but I'll stick to the 5K. My newest goal is to run the entire way. Of course, it will need to be not so miserably hot!

    Hubster and I run together - wait, that's not accurate - run during the same time period on the same streets early in the morning. Even though running is a solo sport, I am convinced it takes a buddy or two or twenty to keep up the motivation and to help us push to the next level.

    My weekly goal is a total of 20 miles either walking or running. Most weeks I meet my goal. We have a 3.6 mile route, a 4.5 route, and a 5 mile route. I also go to the gym for the DT (Dreaded Treadmill) and ETM (Elliptical Torture Machine) on weekends if we don't get out early enough to run.

    I have polyneuropathy and have problems with pain, weakness and balance. The physical therapist grounded me, but she was very bad so I fired her. I see a new PT in a couple of weeks, so I consider myself not grounded.
  • Hi girls, I've been a walker for years. Always on the ike trail. I'm blest living on over 400 miles of beautiful trails. This past winter my DH bought me my first TM so I could keep up my walking during the winter months. It was after this that I got it in my head to try running. Long story short I've been increasing my speed since March and now can do 3 miles on the trail in 47 min doing intermittent running and walking. My goal for July was to be able to hold 6 mph for one full mile (10 min mile) I accomplished that today and I feel awesome. I will be 40 in Aug. and never ran for exercise or fun before, but I know I'll never quit. Good luck to you both. (How old are you?)

  • I think there is more runners that people think. I too am a runner and am slowly getting some were. I useto like the treadmill but now I have to in to running outside. I am loving it. I run anywhere from 3 to 5 days a week. up tp 20 miles a week. I am hoping that I will run a 10 k soon. In May I did my first 5K and was realy happy with my time28.29 min. This fall I know that I will be doing an 8 K.
    I hope that this thread will stay around. We are going on holidays soon and would like to talk more about running and get advise from others too.
    Plan on a run tomorrow.
  • great job Tanya on your 5k time. That's awesome!

  • Just because of pride I have to make a correction. It's 4 miles I do in 47 min on the trail.

  • hey there

    i started running a little while ago. i'm taking a running clinic at the running room. were supposed to end up being able to run 10min walk1 run 10 walk 1 by the end. (i'm not convinced i'll be at that point by the end of aug but i'm working at it) then they'll try to find a 5km for us to do.
    i had quite a bit of pain when i started, in my feet, calve cramps, basic bad aerobic level. but yesterday i did 2.5km without any pain~ so i'm happy and hope it's going away.
    i don't have any nutritional advice but you can check out the running rooms web site look under fun stuff, running tips, nutrition. hmmm i think i'll check it out myself.

    good luck and stay healthy
  • correction

    hi again,
    sorry i forgot that that nutrition stuff was for preparing for a marathon. but if you look around the site there is alot of information and a discussion group.

  • Great job Gen, you've steadily lost weight since starting and are going greater distances, Keep up the good work.
  • Hi everyone. I was on the treadmill today. We have been getting rain alot(we need it). I when for a long one.
    Everyone is doing great with their running. I feel that it is not a race but what you can do to help yourself. I know that you can get great advice from other runner. I have ran with on guy that has ran the boston. What a insperational guy to speak to. Very down to earth and will help you if you need help. I had to laugh he told me he had the same gola of just a 10K and now he is a marathon runner. I can see that in my future. Too many hours of running and training to get there.
    Well everyone keep up the great work that you are doing.
  • I too have children Tanya, 4 of them, and if I ever find the time to train for a Marathon I'll be running my first when I'm about 50 y/o lol
  • Hi Everyone - I am back from 'celebrating' the holiday. Unfortunately I did not get to run yesterday or today and I feel terrible. I really miss it and the healthy feeling I get afterwards. it sounds like everyone is doing great. Tig - great job on your 5k! It is amazing how much the weather can affect your running. I think 20 mpw is great. I don't think I am up to that yet - probably about 15 mpw right now but I am hoping to add in another longer run each week to get to 20 mpw. Good luck with the new PT. I hope you don't get grounded again. Congratulations Kristi on you first 10 minute mile! I ran my first sub 10 minute mile this weekend and it was great. At least when you're a new runner you can see progress pretty fast. Tanya - super 5k time. You seem to have the sub 10 minute mile down pat. My goal is to run a sub 30 5k by the end of the summer. Great job! Lucky you that you have someone to help you personally with your running. I am trying to get information from my running club but wish I had a partner to run with and help motivate me (in person). Thanks gen for the link. I'll be sure to check it out at work tomorrow on one of my breaks. That running clinic sounds good. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Is anyone running Tuesday? I have a track workout with my club. Last week we did hills so I'll be interested to see what we do this week.

    Have a great Tuesday! It's a short week - yeah!
  • Quote:
    hi again,
    sorry i forgot that that nutrition stuff was for preparing for a marathon. but if you look around the site there is alot of information and a discussion group.


    Doesn't it seem like every runner, at least in their subconscious, is ultimately training for a marathon.