Hello, I'm a new girl on the block....

  • OK. I think I've been lurking here quite long enough, so I thought I should step out from behind the keyboard and introduce myself.....*****waves*****. I'm (counts on both hands and almost all toes) 38, live in London, England, and I am really really really impressed by all of the support, wisdom and laughing you ladies on this board give each other. So I figured it was time to join in!

    So I got into this healthy eating lark about a year ago now....have no idea what I weighed then, since I was living up a mountain in very sunny Spain (30 minute hair-bend drive on rough track to the nearest source of chocolate....LOL); but I did feel a whole lot better for it. In November 2003, I finally plucked up the courage to buy some scales.....the same day I was being tested for diabetes.....I remember it well. So the new shiny scales said 233, and the eventual result of the tests, after a misdiagnosis from my doctor, and a more encouraging one from the specialist consultant, was IGT (impaired glucose tolerance/pre-diabetes)....definitely an incentive to continue eating healthily and to start exercising.

    I'm now down to 214, and somewhat to my surprise, am developing an addiction to the gym, where I swim, do (very very very light) weights, do Pilates (seriously addicted), and (small round of applause, please), even went to a street dance class today. (I really really love to dance - it was great....but I cannot move at all now!)

    So, I look forward to lurking-less, and posting-more in the near future!!
  • Welcome to the group Claire! Glad you finally came out of the lurking mode. It's usually quite around here around the holidays but others will be around soon to welcome you also!
  • Hello Claire I was a lurker to for a good long time. I guess about a week and a half ago I decided to be a participant. Welcome!!
  • Hi Claire! I used to live in Spain also. My husband was stationed in Rota (about an hour south of Sevilla) with the American Navy. We lived there three years, and I would go back again in a heartbeat!

    Welcome to our group.
  • Hi Claire! Welcome to the board!
  • Welcome Claire! Here you'll find the best support system you could ever want..

    Post often and join in on the challenges.. Great Motivation!!

  • Welcome, Claire! It's great to have you here! Quick aside ~ Have you read The New Glycemic Revolution, by any chance? You might find it helpful. I'm following their recommendations for diabetes avoidance, and feel great!

    Again, welcome ~ hope to hear more from you!
  • Well I am a little behind here - but WELCOME!!!! This is a great place to find support & motivation!!!!

    Glad to have you!!! Feel free to jump right in!!!
  • <groan> i'm so late with everything!!!!

    welcome claire!!! your post made my day!!

    and tammy... i don't know how i missed saying hello to you when you first posted, so please forgive me...

    it's great to have you both.
  • Another belated welcome! You're doing so well, Claire--congratulations!
  • Happy Belated Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Is a fellow lurker myself, I am so glad you decided to come out of the closet so to say! Post, and post often. Oh yeah, I also second what Sarah recommended as far as the Glycemic Revolution. I am also following the South Beach diet and having been feeling great eversince day one! Again welcome!!!
  • Welcome to the fold!
  • Welcome Claire! I started my healthy lifestyle when I was told that I was "pre-diabetic" as well! Congratulations on all of your success so far....

    Sorry Im so late... I always am. I know you'll find great support here!
  • Hey, people. Thankyou for making me so welcome....I am beginning to feel at home here already!

    Jennelle - I was living in Southern Spain, too. More towards Granada than Sevilla, but I know that whole area pretty well. I too would go back in a shot! Most days I can't quite understand why I live in London!

    Sarah/Gina - ooooh. So good to meet other New Glucose Revolution/glycaemic index fans! Yup, I am finding that approach really helpful.....especially the bit about eating every 3 hours! That's the bit I like most, LOL.