Are you treated differently?

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    Your so funny, if you think for one minute you are alone, your wrong. When I had lost all my weight I couldn't believe the reactions I was getting from people especially men, so I too am guilty for "experimenting" too haaaaaa !!!!

    I find myself NOW looking at what people are buying in the supermarkets. And yup, the chubsters usually have carts loaded up with goodies, just like I would do if I could. No doubt they look at my cart too. Its only human lol.

    Putting on all this weight has changed me again, instead of walking w/my head high I walk with it hung low (no not as in beef hung lo yeah I'm a dirty old woman).

    Thanks, I really needed that smile
  • Leenie, what would I do without you? (other than be the only one with a dirty mind!)
  • What a great thread!...and it only goes to show human nature and what we are really like.

    We do form opinions of others based on their looks - it is very hard not to! But of course that does not mean we are always right. I am definitely a "shopping cart" observer, have been for ever and love investigating what others buy/eat. Not always in a bad way - just nosy I guess! Now of course when I see an overweight person I almost want to rush over and tell them about Atkins - but I do hold back!

    When I lost a lot of weight before I did notice that I too was treated differently...especially by the opposite sex. The attention was nice, but I too (like Leenie) felt a bit bitter and angry - why are you opening doors for me and pulling out chairs for me now? Where were you when I was heavier? I did smile and say thank you but inside I was thinking "you poor pathetic man to be so driven by looks/sex appeal".....kind of a power trip too (which I think relates to the scientific experimentation being carried out on our behalf by our resident investigator

    You will definitely find out who your true friends are....and who cannot handle the "new" you...part of the reality of life I guess?

  • OMG - You all reminded me! THe other thing is that I have always been large chested. Weight or no weight I will always be around a C or D cup. Men always have stared and talked to my chest instead of my face.. but OMG.. It has gotten so much worse now. With less around the middle I am larger looking even with a smaller size...

    The other day I went to the auto part store for my hubby, and the guys working there were mid to late 20's... I could not get them to look me in the eye for ANYTHING. and in a way I really really hate that! Although, if it were the guys of Bon Jovi.... thats another story!
  • Froufy, You're Back!!!!

    Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!

    Wow. It didn't occur to me that I may be 'experimenting' as a way of gettin even!

    Karen: That was always a sure-fire way to piss me off! I had humongous boobs before my reduction. So when they talked to my chest, I'd slip my finger under their chin, tilt their head up and remind them where my face was

    Embarrassed them to death every time!

    ...but to be fairly honest I really wish I was still sitting under the shade of a palapa gazing out at the magnificent Pacific Ocean, watching the waves crash.....sigh........

    oh yea...and my favorite expression was to ask the men to "please put your eyes back in your head!"......usually got them embarrased enuf to cease and desist their lecherous looks!

  • Rant ahead!!!! LOL
    What a good thread

    I can honestly say that I don't really know what its like. I was always heavy, even as a child. There was a point, right before I had my son where I was about 20-30lbs lighter then I am now but thats it. I did notice a difference with even just that little bit of weight gain but I can't say it was from the other people. I treated myself differently.

    I won't go out with any of my old friend because I don't want them to see me. I am not as outgoing or as "spunky" as I was before. I just don't want to call attention to myself I guess. Which is weird because I am a very forward person.

    I can say though, that if I do start noticing people treating me differently, I won't ignore it. If it is that much of a difference, or if somone was to tell me "how much I have changed" they would probably hear it along the lines of "Sorry but I never changed, I am still the same person on the inside regardless of what the outside looks like. If YOU happened to change YOUR opinion of me because of a little (or a lot) of weightloss then perhaps this isn't the type of friendship I thought it was."

    Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. Grr, that just really pisses me off and I think what makes me even angrier about it is that kind of response to a person's physical looks is soooooo socially acceptable!

    I will try my hardest not to be bitter or anything else, but I am too blunt and truthful to just stand back and let people that I thought cared about me do that. Especially a family member and I can't believe your Dad would say something like that to you Star. Especially if doing what you did is not out of character for you. Which, by the way, was a great thing

    I guess I just know how cruel people can be from growing up this way and it breaks my heart to think how differently my life could have been just because of a difference in weight.

    I think I am going to really make an effort to pay attention to how I percieve other people and why I percieve them that way.

    I want to be a better person all around, not just outside. Thanks for the eye opener! Sorry about my rant.
  • OH!! I've got the perfect sign to put on a t-shirt!! Especially for us um....Upper chested challenged.

  • OMG Brenda! I want a shirt with that on it!