Diabetes and Prediabetes chat Summer 2019

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  • I am so tired. We left at noon for DH Dr appt. He hates it and I usually go in with him but didn't this time. They checked his carotid arteries. Then they called me in and I thought something happened to him. But they were verifying his meds and the other doc took him off a lot of them since his surgery. He was confused. It took longer than we expected. We went to Kohls and Target then to my doctor. That was a useless visit. We just talked about my hospital stay. Then we stopped for dinner. When I got home I had a message from the cardiologist to.make an appointment with him to discuss the new procedure.. I felt ok all day, better than before but it was a long day.

    DH already mentioned going to the car cruise tomorrow so no casino. He doesn't usually like to go.on Sunday.

    Hopefully blood sugar will be down tomorrow.
  • Carol Sue Glad DH doctor's appointment was productive. He must be doing really well for them to take him off his meds. Sorry your PCP appointment wasn't as well. You'll learn more from your cardio I'm sure. Your DH deciding to go to a car show gives you a day to yourself right?

    I don't know why but our appointment for our perms went much longer today for some reason. It worked out okay but I didn't get home till almost 3pm. Our beautician is going to the Caimen Islands next week for a wedding. The lady who is paying for the wedding is paying for everybody to come down there for the beauticians to do the wedding parties hair so that get a round trip paid for so she and her DH will get a nice vacation out of it. So there was no way that I could fix my hair while she was gone without a perm first. DS and I get our perms at the same time so she starts with me since it takes a little longer with me and then while I'm timing my perm she does hers. Since I go to church now, she dried my hair under the hair dryer before pulling on my hair to set it. We go back and get the perm smell washed out and she will set it again before they fly out Thursday.

    Finished eating and tracked food on MFP and calories for today were 1225. It helps to track.

    fatmad Miss you when you are too busy to check in. I think you said you are on call right now and the girls were going to the cottage with their Dad. I hope you are doing.
  • Fasting blood sugar was 135 this morning, and I hope it stays down and continues lower. Enough of this! I did not get on the scale. I didn't eat a lot yesterday. I don't have an appetite. I don't know if it's from being in the hospital or what. I had the salad bar when we went out to eat yesterday, so salad and a cup of chili. DH had fish and macaroni and cheese. He never finishes anything so I took a little piece of fish off his plate and I felt like I was eating cardboard. And I normally love fried fish. Maybe I'm just stressed out from upcoming events. I don't know.

    Trish, DH was put on a lot of meds when he was in the hospital, and when he went for follow up appointments they took him off meds that were temporary. He doesn't even remember being on half of them. But I remember, and I remember which doctor took him off them and why.

    DH goes to the car cruise around 3PM and comes home around 8 or 9. All the other guys go to Denny's for something to eat afterwards but he doesn't go. I tell him to go but he won't. These guys are all extremely overweight. They ask him how he stays so thin and he wants to say "I'm not constantly eating like you guys are!" He could go and get a piece of pie and coffee, or something like that. I like him to have the camaradarie with the guys. It's up to him. During the car cruise, these guys walk over to Subway and get subs to eat. I don't know what they order when they go to Denny's but none of them need more food. They are all much younger than DH, in their 50s and 2 of them in their 60s. But none of them is in good medical condition or fit. One is like DH, but the others are 300+ lbs.

    I'm glad you got your hair all fixed up before the hairdresser went away. I haven't had a perm in years, since the 80s. My hair is thick and has a lot of body. I just blow it dry and touch it up with a curling iron. I do want to get another hair cut. I want my hair shorter in case I go into the hospital to have those procedures done.

    While we were out the cardiologist office called to make my appointment. I will call back on Monday. I wish I could remember what he said about it. He either said I would have to wait 4-6 weeks, or 4-6 months. Since I am feeling better, I want to get my house cleaned up. It has been neglected for a while now. I want to have everything in order before this happens so DH doesn't have to do anything. I also have so much laundry to do and I want to pack up some clothes for Goodwill. We are having that yard sale on Aug 3 and have to gather up everything and get it organized. I hate when I have so much to do. I like to relax.

    I also forgot that the dog has to go for his rabies shot. He was supposed to get it in June so he is past-due for that.

    I also got a new Fitbit. I stayed up late to get it running last night. I have to change out the small band for the large band. I got the small band off but now I can't figure out how to get the large one on. It just won't go on. They don't send directions. I googled, read about it, watched videos but it's just not working. I'm thinking the band they sent me could be broken and might never go on, but how would I know? When I got the other ones you ordered the size you need. Now they send you a small, along with a larger band that you are to change. It's supposed to just snap in place. Nope!!

    I guess all I'm doing today is complaining. LOL

    EDIT: As if there isn't enough to complain about, DH decided it is too hot to sit at the car cruise and he's too tired to clean the car and get it ready. So guess what he wants to do instead! You got that right!! Cha ching! He's not too tired to drive 90 minutes to the casino. They only have these cruises from May to September. Only when it's not raining. Then when it's nice out, it's too hot. I keep telling him to sell the darn car and he will have that money to take to the casino. He says never....but he rarely even drives it. He could go to the car cruise and just sit with the other guys. Other guys do it who don't have show cars. I'm pulling my hair out, here. LOL
  • Carol Sue Sorry you can't get in to see the cardio sooner. It is awful that you can't get in to see him for your follow up especially since he wants to discuss you having that procedure done. So sad. Also sorry DH has changed his plans for today. I hope you will enjoy your day any way.

    FBG was 137 which is good considering that the package of Dorritos I had in the pantry started calling me and I answered. Also amazing was the my weigh was only up .6 lbs which was probably from the sodium. I will ditch them. I like making my tacos with chips but not really with Dorritos. I should have gotten something else or figured out something else. I don't usually bring chips in the house any more. Today is my WI day and I managed to keep 1 lb loss this week and I decided to average my calories over the week from which I started back on MFP Sunday and my average daily calories work out to 1360.5 a day. So that is really pretty good. I really feel good and comfortable about what I am doing.

    I had eggs, bacon and toast made with the 100% WW bread. I'm actually getting used to it. Nothing planned for today. I've gotten back to exercising again. A lot of it is housework, but I start out my day with core routine before I get out of bed. I do a lot of leg exercises with squats, balancing etc while getting dressed so that I have about 20 minutes of those done by the time I walk out of the bathroom dressed. I have to do that so that I don't get busy doing something else and forget to do the exercise.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Trish, I don't think I explained properly. I will call the cardiologist back on Monday and expect to see him soon. When I said 4-6 weeks or 4-6 months I was talking about how long I have to wait after the Cath I had this week before they can do the other procedure. I guess the artery has to heal.

    The casino was ok. Good buffet and only lost a little money.

    The house across the street went up for sale today and it is way out of step daughter price range. That's too bad. Wasn't meant to be.
  • Hi friends: doing ok, just busy. FBS this morning is 6.4 which is 109, a little high for me, I will blame it on ice cream for dessert last night. Which means I am to blame.
    DH comes home from the cottage tonight. He was getting the septic drained before we have friends then the kids up there next week.
    I have a couple of visits today and hoping one woman who is overdue will go into labour before she needs to be induced. Ahhh babies, they are on their own schedule. Teaches us patience.

    Carol: I have to say, I agree about you wanting DH to go out a bit on his own from time to time. I miss DH, but enjoy having time to myself. No worries this week while I have been busy about getting home, thinking about suppers, and for me having to talk. Sometimes after all the mental energy of listening to people at work, I just want silence at home. I read a novel without even the tv or radio or music on. My ears just want to stop! I love the man, but I don't want to chit chat sometimes.
    This week when I did want company and conversation, I went outside, lots of neighbours to chat with. Yesterday afternoon I had some of that time. I have been inside working or sleeping during much of the day lately, so sitting outside was quite nice, got some sun etc. Had walks both Friday night and yesterday afternoon. I will go to the trail near where we used to live after my visits this morning.
    I am up early, so will shower and get dressed and go up to the hospital for the first one.
    Vacation starts Thursday night.
  • Sounds like you are having a nice time, Mad.

    FBG was 127 this morning. Higher than I like, but much better than it's been since the hospital. I slept so good last night. Fitbit says I slept for 8 hrs 11 mins. I got up once because I had a cramp in my foot. Went to the bathroom then back to bed and fell asleep right away. I really needed that sleep and feel very well this morning. It would be so nice if I could sleep like that all the time.

    My stress level was low. DH and I had a talk about my upcoming procedure. Basically, he says he doesn't think I need it. He says the doctors just want to make some money. I believe I need it and will be in deep trouble if I don't have it done. But I told him I need him to be supportive and he said he will. That is what has relieved my stress. It may be short lived, because he has a habit of saying whatever I want to hear just to keep peace, then he goes back on his word somewhere down the line, but I will try to keep him on this track. He makes some comments about medical procedures that are so off-the-wall, sometimes I wonder where he gets these ideas. I tell him he should keep his mouth shut because people are laughing at him behind his back.

    I want to get some cleaning done today. My house has been neglected lately with me not feeling well. I am no longer taking the Tylenol Arthritis round the clock. Maybe once or twice a day, only when I need it. Pain is not gone, but improved. I would think the steroid has worn off by now. I wasn't walking very well last night. Not because of pain, exactly, but probably because I had been doing a lot of walking in the casino. Who goes to the casino 4 days after having a heart attack/procedure????? I have all these bruises on my arms from blood draws. People probably wondered what happened to me.
  • Trish, I got this article in my email and I thought about you eating the shakes sometimes for breakfast.


    They are talking about smoothies, but I think the same would apply to the shakes, which also contain nutrients. They appear to be working well for you so I think you're doing well to continue and I think getting the extra protein is beneficial to you.
  • fatmad Do you think you will miss birthing babies when you retire? You are doing very well with your eating even eating some of the foods you like. I think IF makes a real difference for you.

    Carol Sue Thanks for the article. I will check it out. I would probably do better if I would make a snack in the evening but it is just so much easier to drink the shake. I got hungry last night and couldn't find anything I really wanted but chose to drink a shake and it took care of the hunger.

    As for DH being around all the time, I really like DH staying up late at night and me having about half a day to myself. Then he gets his free time while I sleep. It is a great arrangement for us except for when I infringe on his time like I did last night when I couldn't sleep. Needless to say we didn't go to church today because I didn't get sleepy until 4am this morning. However, the sleep I did get was quality sleep.

    I'm not taking the Tylenol Arthritis meds any more either. I noticed they were 650 mg and the full strength that I take once at night when going to bed is 500 mg and they work just fine. Besides I don't believe the problem I have with my hands sometime is arthritis. I read something online today about Keto diets for people over 60 and uric acid build up is common for over 60 when doing keto. So are some of the other things I've experienced when doing keto. The article said you should discuss the diet with your doctor and mine has already told me he has no problem with low carb or a balanced diet, but he doesn't like the idea of keto. So no need to ask him.

    FBG was 118 this morning, but weight was up a little which means I got some sodium somewhere because bp was up a bit too which is unusual. Water, water will help remedy that.

    Carol Sue I think you should have the procedure done too if nothing else for your peace of mind. DH and I discuss our medical treatment and even check things out, but the final decision belongs to the person having it done for peace of mind.

    DS will go to see Daddy today. I told her to tell him that I'm bringing food for him tomorrow. We finally got a Pizza Hut or Inn here in town so I can order a personal pizza for Daddy before we leave tomorrow and pick it up on the way to see him. I've got a pen and the book for the Guest Book and now have to find some kind of string to attach it to the book and I want DH to make signs to go on the book and on his door asking guests to sign it. His phone is either off or he isn't answering it. We don't know which.

    Y'all have a nice Sunday.
  • Quote: Trish, I got this article in my email and I thought about you eating the shakes sometimes for breakfast.


    They are talking about smoothies, but I think the same would apply to the shakes, which also contain nutrients. They appear to be working well for you so I think you're doing well to continue and I think getting the extra protein is beneficial to you.
    Thanks Carol Sue. That is helpful in a lot of ways as it gives me some good ideas for some different ways to help my diet plan. Example, I've got left over beef roast that I could take the left overs and blend in the blender and make a nice soup that I could have in the evening rather than a shake some time. Also I don't get any fiber in the Premier shake and might just add a little bit of oats to it to get the fiber that I would have had in the Slim-fast. I appreciate you sharing this with me.
  • Glad you found the article helpful. I like that website. Lots of helpful information.

    I went to Walmart, the full service grocery and Aldi's, but still forgot to get wax paper because it was not on the list. Next time. DH says he thinks I'm the only one who uses it. I use it to wrap my hamburger patties then put them in a freezer bag. I also use it to roll our pie crust.

    I consider my diet to be low carb, not keto. I do eat a bit of bread here and there, some bananas. I know my carbs are above 20gm per day and below 100, but I don't know where they run. It is my low carb. Most people are stricter. I guess some days I eat Keto, depending on what I have that day. I do not follow a set diet. I know I am eating a lot less than I used to and do some type of fasting window most days. I do not get hungry, but also never feel stuffed.

    I don't know for sure that my pain is arthritis, but I used the Tylenol Arthritis because it is the strongest dose I can get OTC. We also have the 500mg but I rarely take that since I started the foot pain. Actually, we have a small bottle of the 325mg too. That's what they told DH he could take along with his RX pain meds, but he would always take the 500mg. I told him not to, but he doesn't listen to me. LOL

    I ordered another pair of shoes. I really like these shoes. I have a really old pair that DH cut a big slit in when my foot pain was at it's worst. I still wear them at home for slippers. Then I have 2 pairs that I just started wearing, new ones. I think they are going to stop making these shoes. Everywhere I look they only have a couple sizes available. They are usually $70 but I saw Amazon has them for $43. I think that's because they are not going to be available. I don't want to not be able to get them so that's why I ordered the new pair. It's funny, but it says they will be shipped in 1 to 3 months. I don't know why so long. LOL It's not like I'm in a hurry for them, but they better not bill me until they are shipped.

  • Blood sugar 112 wt 185. Satisfactory for both right now. Today I want to catch up on laundry. After today we are headed into a string of stormy hot humid dsys. Hope the A/C holds up!

    Another house went up for sale in our neighborhood. Two houses down from me. We have all nice neighbors now. I just hope that continues. S till nothing in my step daughters price range. None have big yards, either. They like to plant a garden. I would really like them near us. Something will come along.
  • FBG 128 and weight back down to 214 so that is good. I don't want to say I'm on any diet plan but I'm eating more of a CAD woe today. Just happened. I know I'm not going to do keto although I like some of it. I got something on FB from someone on the CAD FB group and started reading there. I read someone say that Walmart has a Zero pasta for those of us who watch the carbs. Someone else said that we don't have to worry about that at RM, but this lady told the person that they obviously missed the part of her message that said "for those of us who have to watch our blood sugar". Then in the process someone else who agreed with this lady, we learned that she is a doctor who treats people with diabetes. This person told that this doctor treated her patients with CAD and helps them get off their Metformin and diabetic med. Another one of those like G, but different form of it. Any was the doctor spoke up and said that she is reversing her diabetes while doing CAD and she takes the Gliz? diabetic medicine. She recommended people listen to a Dr. Haliberg on YouTube. I've seen her before and am going to start watching her again to kind of keep me OP.

    Going to see my Daddy this afternoon. I called to our Pizza Hut here in town to see if they make Personal Pan Pizzas and they do so I'll call before we leave and ask them to make one so I can take it to Daddy. He was excited about it and looking forward to it. I'm glad that now that we have a Pizza Hut close to us and on the way to the home, I can get it for him once in a while. He wants a sausage pizza with onions. I also have the guest book ready to place in his room too.

  • I got the follow-up appointment with the cardiologist on Aug 12. In the mean time they are setting things up for the other procedure at the other hospital and will keep me informed about that.

    Trish Glipizide is the same as G but a different manufacturer. I have seen some talks by Dr Haliberg.
  • Carol Sue Thanks for sharing that about the Glipizide and G being the same meds. I have to say that sometime I get tempted to take a G because DH has a lot of them because we had just got a 3 month prescription when he stopped taking them, but I would really rather improve my bs without it. I saw something about drinking ACV in hot water with a keto pill before bedtime so you can rev up the metabolism while sleeping, but I do not want to do keto and don't know if you would have to be doing keto to take them. So I didn't buy them.

    We had a good visit with Daddy. He evidently scratched his leg. He didn't seem to know how it happened only said he must have scratched it. He thought he had put a $10 bill in a book on a table and had me look for it. Never found the money but I did find ants so a worker from house cleaning came and cleaned it all up for us. Daddy did have 2 $5 bills wrapped and in the fridge and had me take it to have the office put it in his fund but the girl and I put it in a little pouch and she locked it in his top drawer and gave the key to him. He is the only one who has the key. She never told us who, but she seemed to think that she knows who was probably taking peoples money out there but couldn't prove it. She said someone out there had $700 stolen from them. She said she didn't know why anyone would even have that much in their room and I must say neither do I.

    We went to Walmart and then came by McDs for CB and came home. I don't think I will have to go to the store when I leave the beauty shop Wednesday. It is going to be really hot the next 2 days and we are having heat alerts so I prefer to stay in the house as much as possible.