2018 - Leg 4 of the Worldly Chicks Transformation

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  • Use this new thread to post from today. We are believe it or not into October. To go back to the old thread click here. 2018 - Leg 3
    Back to post after I sort out the other thread.
  • It's a bit like a revolving door around here. People come, people go, people stay for a while. Anyway all is peaceful at the moment, the dog has gone home, the cat is inspecting the fence removal I have done today - not that it will meet with his approval.
    I've cleaned the bathroom, laundry and hall. Made the beds, done 4 loads of laundry, painted a couple of walls and sorted and filed a whole bunch of recipes I, for some reason, thought I couldn't live without. Looking at the file, I may need to live for another 30 years to get through then all. Some will go out as I prune them as I file.
    I busted the paper shredder yesterday. Don't make things like they used to, so I put the last papers into the bbq and burnt them - shouldn't have such a huge amount to do again although I still have a couple of drawers to go through. I've found a whole load of stuff I thought I had lost and I have what looks like a million cards. that I have bought over the years.
    I'll be back later to do personals. I will have to go through the posts to find out how far behind I am.
  • Good morning to yahs,

    Well a week has literally flown by in the blink of an eye and DH is enroute home already. That sure passed by much quicker than I would have liked it to do. Of course I barely touched most of the projects at home I was going to make so much progress on. But I did get a few things done and at least started to make some progress. It was supposed to be a heads down day on Sunday and then I realized that October was looming on Monday. I had to enter the sales for the Thrift Shop for the month so the accountant can pay the sales tax bill. Then I had to type up the driver lists for the Meals on Wheels recipients at the Senior Center. They redid them and gave me a hand written piece of paper with the new lists. They also had to be ready to go out with the drivers bright and early Monday. Saturday I had started going through piles of papers, sorting and organizing them. Among them was this hand written list. I started panicking as I knew exactly where this list was WHEN it was in a pile on the counter but now that I organized things, I could NOT FIND IT ANYWHERE!!! A "pile" person should never organize themselves. I searched for over an hour. By the time I entered the sales into the spreadsheet and looked for the list it was going on 3am Monday morning. I told myself to go to bed and get some sleep and I'd start fresh in the morning. Woke up at 6:30, went to the toilet and tried to get a bit more sleep but it was on my mind and the cat was seeking out my attention. So I got up, made a coffee and resumed my search. I finally found it after 3 more rounds, some fervent prayers and a bit of cussing! I somehow overlooked it in the place I had looked through twice. I typed the list, had a bunch of leftover people, called the kitchen manager to straighten it out and then sent it off to the Center's receptionist to print and take upstairs. Just in the nick of time. I went over there for lunch and one of the ladies was expecting me to be trained as a fill in on the lunch reservation desk. I begged off and said not today. I needed to get back home and focus on the house. Came home to a bunch of emails of demands from the thrift shop crew. Decided this is getting to be a bit too much. I am also under the gun because a friend has decided to drive into Chicago for a short trip this coming weekend and invited me to ride along. I'd rather not go at the minute - our fall colors are just blooming, there are cranberry and apple festivals I'd love to go to and I just want to be home to do things quite honestly. However my sister's birthday is tomorrow and my Mom's 92 birthday is the end of the month so I feel like I should go even if it's a short trip. She wants to leave early Friday morning - I'd also rather not go on Friday and arrive right at rush hour peak commute time on a Friday when everyone is crazy driving but she is driving so she sets the rules. Anyway I won't be working bingo on this Thursday or next and while my partner is not holding it against me, it does put pressure on him if the other guy gets sick at the last minute. Besides getting the house in order, I need to focus on packing and getting everything ready by Thursday. Seems like all I do is hurry lately... I am debating very seriously about stepping down from the Board at the Shelter as well as my Thrift Shop responsibilities. There's a couple of people who really annoy me there and it's no fun being a part of that any more. As for the Senior Center, I will help them out until the new year when they should be out of crisis So in reality, not much new with me - same old stuff just a new day

    Shad - thank you for setting up the new thread. I was thinking it was time to do so. Sounds like you are making steady progress on your projects around the house. Amazing what we can accumulate in a house, isn't it? I too am finding boxes of papers tucked away - so many of them - where did they come from and why did I think it important to keep them hanging around. I know what you mean about recipes. I have a bunch I printed from the internet as well as some favorite magazines that I haven't cracked open in well over a year. I laughed at your comment about having to live 30 years more in order to make all those dishes. I tell myself that as the cold weather approaches I will be more akin to cooking again. I have to - I have 2 freezers that are chock full - DH will not have any room to store any frozen meals if he decides to pick up something while I am gone. Have you got the garden all turned over yet?

    Annie - how goes it with the job. Have you been told anything definitive yet? Are you looking and applying for other things? Prayers and good wishes on the job hunt.

    Laura - what did the new doctor say about your foot? What kind of surgery were they considering? Are you getting the bike out for rides in the woods now that fall is coming? How was dinner out with Mom? If you are the kind of person who will be more motivated to work out if you are spending the money, then get a personal trainer. A good one can help you in many ways. It's like a doctor though, get one who will listen to you and work WITH you. Some of them just aren't good with working with the public. My sister had a twenty-something that chose not to care that you need to adapt routines for people's individual ages and fitness levels.

    Susie - how is hubby doing? Are you back in your routine?

    Ceejay - has autumn come to Missouri yet? How are you doing on selecting an eating plan? How are your allergies?

    Dee - we don't have any other indoor pets other than the 2 cats. But we have a whole yard outside full of deer, turkeys and wild birds that are DH's other pets. I'm sure they will be happy he is home today because the bird feeders are empty and I can't reach the pole they are hung on. Yay for the win on the homecoming game!

    Well ladies this house won't clean itself so my coffee cup is empty and I need to get rolling here. I will try and post more before I leave.
  • Morning all.

    Shad – Thanks for starting our new thread. We don’t post nearly as much, so I bet we could have continued on the old one without hitting the max 500 posts by 12/31, but fresh starts are good for us!! Just glad you didn’t title it “Last Leg”, as in “on our last legs” – that’s not a positive thing, lol. Like your shredder being on its last legs and then – it died. Hope you get a sturdy replacement soon. The neighbors might not appreciate burning papers on a regular basis. LOL re the recipe stash. I have one that I need to finish going through, but lately I’m tempted to chuck everything and anything. In my mind, anyway, not in reality. Dee – Must have been fun to be at the homecoming game and see your g-daughter cheering. Brings back memories - I cheered in grade school. Ceejay – I didn’t realize stores are keeping cough syrup locked up these days. I thought it just had some booze in it. On second thought, booze definitely doesn't leave me groggy like Nyquil does.Annie – Saw FB photos of you at your reunion – looked like a fun time. You’re looking fabulous, BTW. Susie – Prayers that your dh doesn’t have any further complications and the healing process is otherwise going well. Happy – Is your dh home yet? Saw a couple of his pics on FB – wow, great shots. I need to go back to Colorado someday!!


    Nothing much to report on my end. The scale was up a pound last Monday and was down two pounds yesterday. I’ll take it, even if I don’t feel I deserve it, LOL. I’m still posting my eating on MFP, but I’ve gotten haphazard about it. I need to get back on track.

    What else? Last days in this office. The coffee/copy room is barren. They removed all the federal/governmental posting notices and other postings on the walls, and all the coffee and tea pods have run out. We must be going to a different beverage system in the new place. Good thing I use my own tea bags…

    That’s it for me, so I’ll get this posted. Have a good day everyone!!
  • Okay, everything is smooshed together with different size fonts. Sigh. And Happy was typing over my head. Be back later to catch up.
  • My week has taken shape.. Going to eat lunch today with a friend and then need to go somewhere and get some loppers to trim the bushes. Think my nephew has borrowed them but he say's no. Suppose to go with niece to get the airbag fixed on a recall but I do not hear from her and I hate things at last minute. Thursday my cousin from Fort Lenard Wood, MO is coming. I''m expecting them to spend the night. I'm not a very good hostess or cook. Need to freshen up that room. I don't even have a coffee maker and will not buy one just for this. My dad's people were/are heavy coffee drinkers. I haven't gotten completely over this allergy attack yet. Think it had turned into a sinus infection and is taking longer to get over. I'm not coughing as much so that's a good thing.
    Silly me was walking in the house bare foot and my caught second toe on the edge of the room sized rug I have dining room. It hurt like crazy. This morning its black and swollen. but does not hurt. Think I sprained it. The moral of this story is wear shoes.
    I'm not sure about going to WW. But I do like the idea of it being a wellness center. So I'm calling this last journey my wellness journey, Don't know why I can't be comfortable in my own skin. as long as my labs are with in range.

    Really can't blame you for cutting back on your volunteering especially with winter coming on. Yes, I think autumn is starting. I saw some Maple trees turning on the way to church Sunday morning.
    Thanks for getting us started for the month of October. You are one busy woman.
    I haven't been on the scale this month. I keep forgetting. I'm still trying to post of MFP. Really do not like the WW website. They have changed it too.
    Hope the Dh hasn't had any more complications from his surgery. Hope he continues to heal.
    How is MeeMee?
  • Hello Ladies!

    I started to post last night and in the middle of typing my post, something refreshed on the computer and I lost it all....so I just went to bed.

    DH is doing very well. If you saw on FB that he had a trip to the ER on Saturday it was due to a seroma that has developed but it is draining very nicely and he says he feels pretty good. He does tire easily; I took him to the grocery with me on Saturday and he last 30 min.

    He had his 2 week check-up yesterday and they said he is doing great. He goes back on October 30 and should be released to retun to work on November 5.

    Anne: Saw the H.S. Reunion pictures on FB...you looked stunning! Any word on the job and the changes that are coming?

    Laura: I have been getting back to posting everything on MFP and it sure does help. I'm glad to hear you have a new doctor for your foot and it sounds like he has a plan.

    Ceejay: I hope you didn't break your toe! I like what you are calling your "journey".

    Shad: I hear you on the paper pile up. It is easy to do. I just went through the file cabinet and purged manuals for things we don't own anymore. That freed up a lot of space. And I am right there with you with the cards. I'm always picking one up here and there to have on hand......and then I still buy more of then.

    Happy: You sound a lot like me, taking care of all the things that others need before doing my own things. It is a bad habit to be in. Remember we have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others. (Picture the stewardness and the oxegyn mask demo! )

    It is hard when one is on the computer to spend to much time on a task. At work, I have been finding that if I write down my start and stop time of what I am working on, even if I don't finish it, it helps keep me on track and helps be go back and finish up. Maybe give that a try? I also schedule time for things that I'm not on the computer. So, I might work for 1-2 hrs on the computer and then get up and do something else for 30 min. It helps me to fresh and at the end of the day, I can see what I did.

    Dee: How nice you got to go see the grandaughter cheer. I cheered and was on dance team...some of the most fun times of my life.

    I must get back to work. I wanted to be sure I posted today. See you all later

  • Morning all.

    Happy - Of course your week went quickly – don’t they all? I don’t know how you keep track of all you do. == I don’t envy you doing your paper purge. I will be going through that myself soon enough. Tomorrow I take home the monitor, keyboard and docking station and need to clear space in the home office for them. I need to stay strong. How much of that paper have I *ever* needed to look at a second time? Paid bills, credit card change of terms notices, privacy notices, etc. == Anyway – I’m glad you found that one thing you needed to find. == Wow, that’s a last minute trip home! I hope you get everything you need to do taken care of before leaving. == Re the foot – the new doc’s x-ray even more clearly showed the fracture is still there, unhealed. He of course agreed that it was unusual for a fracture to not heal after all this time. He asked if I did all the typical things – wearing the boot, staying off the foot, etc. I hate to think I kept this thing from healing because I didn’t do enough of that. I’ll have to ask the next time I see him. Or maybe it’s moot. I’m seeing a rheumatologist next week, and after that, the next consideration is surgery. Which would be scary – bone graft, screws, etc. == I haven’t been out for any bike rides recently. I hope the weather permits a ride soon. == Yeh, finding the right personal trainer would be the key. I’ve taken group fitness classes with a couple at the recplex and neither were the type that I could work with. One was flakey and hyper and the other is too zen, LOL. At this other fitness center I currently use, the one trainer/employee is the one that makes the sounds when he was doing his own workouts. Nope. Ceejay – How was lunch with your friend? == I hope you’re ready for your houseguests. == Please don’t do anything strenuous outdoors – you don’t need to have more allergy issues. == Ouch! How’s the toe today??

    Susie – So glad to hear DH is doing well!!

    Hellos to the rest of you!


    Sort of distracting around here today – the movers are here to pack up the department file drawers. Too bad for the boss – he was still squirreling away papers in those department drawers…not anymore! Tomorrow it’s just our personal spaces, which we pack up ourselves. Workout yesterday wasn’t the greatest – the stair climbing machine took it out of me first thing – started off too fast, got an unnecessary phone call from bf, ended up doing more time than I intended, etc. After about 12 minutes of that I moved to the upright bike for 15 min. and that was it for cardio. I did some mat work – pushups, crunches, lower ab and obliques but not as much as usual, and no plank. Bleh. I have a hair appointment tomorrow evening, so I won’t get to the fc then. But – I have no work on Friday so I’ll try to go in the morning before going shopping with my mother. If nothing else, it’ll be interesting to see how many people use the fc on a weekday morning. Okay, after many stops and starts, I’ll get this posted. Have a good day and stay out of trouble. TTFN!
  • Not in a great place at the moment. Nothing on the job end date yet but I expect it anytime soon. Boss is asking for things from me that are not due until the end of the month. Me thinks he wants them before the transition. I sent him an email and asked if he knew something I did not as he was quite anxious for things. Nothing back yet. Usually I am begging for receipts and numbers for reports. Weird.

    C had a cancerous spot removed from his back this morning. Also got a shot of some sort for exzema (sp) that is supposed to clear it right up. C also got 4 injections of something into the cancerous spot. That better be it as we will soon not have insurance.

    I started a AA workshop last night. Seems to be a good one. It is called the 12 and 12. (Step work). I really need it not that I am having issues with drinking just that I need "my kind" of people in my life right now.

    HAPPY...stop volunteering, I think mentally and physically it is all taking a toll on you. Retirement is supposed to be about you not the rest of the world that annoys you. Yes, I have applied for other positions elsewhere but nothing yet. Only been 3 working days.

    DEE..how is kitty?

    SHADDIE...busy as a beaver per your norm. I would have to guzzle expresso to keep up with you.

    LAURA...moving is quite a mess maker. Even when you think you have it all organized the movers make a mess. Good Luck.

    SUSIE...glad to hear DH is doing so well. Genny too! Keep working on YOU!

    CEEG...hope you are feeling better head and toe. I did the same thing to my little toe just before vacation and then again once we got home. Could barely stand to wear shoes on that foot.

    Sorry if I missed anyone. My brain is real scattery. hugs all.
  • hello
    I'm on my phone so this may have lots of typo's. I'm in Branson today and will spend the night.
    I've talked my cousin into coming on Saturday cause my sis wants to see him also. He said they wanted to get back home.

    Sigh on the cancerous place on C's back. Hope those injections stop it. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending you good vibes.
    I'll do more posting tomorrow when I'm back home on my computer.
  • Hey all...

    Doc removed the area of cancer from C's back. It was the most common of cancer basil cell carcinoma. Plus the shots into that area. He goes back for results/check up in a few weeks.

    The mind is an instrument, don't let it play you but feels like an orchestra is playing in my head this morning.

  • Morning
    I'm back home after an over night stay in Branson. Went with the niece to Harrison Arkansas about 30 minutes drive, to a dealership to get a recall taken care of. We had fun together. She did a lot of shopping. I did a lot of looking.
    We had some rain over night and things look healthy again. The trees are beginning to turn. I'm liking it.
    Should be going to a WW meeting today, just not sure I want too.
    Glad to hear that C's cancer was the basal cell kind. How are you doing?

    When will your office move actually take place? Proud of you for keeping up with the exercise. I'm getting back to it today. Think I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel on the last allergy attack.

    Glad to hear that DH is on his road to recovery.

    Hello's to Shad and Happy
  • Sorry I did not get to post - I am literally off in about 7 hours and haven't gone to sleep yet. I will try and post when I get to my sister's.

    much hope and luck to you Annie in the job search.

    Love to the rest of you chicks. ♥
  • Good Morning. Have not heard anything on end date as yet. Just as well, gives me more time to find a job while still having benefits. Going to St. Louis this weekend to help my bro with SIL who has cancer. Give him some relief. Plus he just wants someone to talk to. Sad bunch of coconuts.

    Everyone have a great weekend. Love and hugs.
  • P.S. I am off till Wednesday 10/10.