Water alternatives???

  • Hi I am trying to be all round healthier and so I have attempted to increase my water intake but it isn't always satisfying. I tend to crave fizzy drinks even if I'm hydrated, its not the taste but rather the fizz and feel that make me feel quenched. Is there a healthy alternative that will have the same effecut and still quench my thirst?
  • Carbonated seltzer waters are wonderful.. They come in flavors, no sweetener, or plain..
    I love the fizz, too. I gave up Diet Pepsi 4 weeks ago - was a serious addict on those..

    Just look in your local grocery store. You can usually get store brand..or I like Polar Ice brand, too.
    Orange vanilla, lime, lemon and coconut are my favorites!
  • Infused Water
    Have you tried infused water? I throw a couple of strawberries or cucumbers and it gives the water a better taste lol that way is not just plain water.
  • I agree with itsisabel. Try adding mint leaves, lemon, lime, some fruit to the water. Mix to your taste. The water is delicious, but it is still water and retains its useful properties. I like to add ice in the hot time of day. Straight beauty!
  • I enjoy carbonated water that has natural flavors added but no calories, no sweeteners. I also find that it helps make me feel more full.

    The infusion idea is wonderful! I'm going to try that with the mint I have growing in the garden.
  • nothing can replace water