Water for weight loss?

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  • There are lots of conflicting ideas out there about how much water you need for weight loss. How much do you guys try to get each day?
  • Hello I am now drinking at least 32 oz of water and it has really helped me lose the lbs alittle faster. For the weeks that I was stalling (up/down up/down) I was drinking alot of ice tea with the pinky stuff and also Crystal light and not straight water. So I am thinking that even the Sugar Subs make a difference in weight flucuations
  • Hey I'm new and just saw this post!

    I'm always really curious to see what other people do in their diets and I even try their ideas out! Some work while some don't. Plus, it's always fun to try something new, right?

    I recently started a nutrition program that has me drinking 3 liters of water - that's the equivalent of 101 oz. I know, it's a lot!! The thing was, I was already drinking a lot of water...I cut out juice and soda years ago, but my sodium intake is still a struggle for me, even though I never realized it. Anyway, I started taking in that much water on a Monday, and I do my regular workouts of 6 days a week. I weighed myself on Saturday and I had lost 4 lbs that week! It was incredible. Now I make my husband drink tons of water with me lol
  • I think a good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in oz of water. So if you weigh 200 lbs, you drink 100oz a day. This has worked well for me.
  • I try to drink at least 80 oz of water a day - but really try for more. But it's all I drink - I rarely have pop or juice. I'd rather eat than drink my calories!
  • Oh my goodness, I don't think I could take 100oz a day, I'd live in the bathroom! I err on the side of 4-8 cups (32-64oz) a day, depending on what else I'm drinking/eating. I've heard that drinking water cold sometimes helps though....

    Haha, how very topical; this just showed up in my newsfeed:
  • One thing I've read and tried to remember was that you should drink at least 64 oz plus 8-10 oz for every 25 lbs you are trying to lose. So I have been shooting for 130 oz of water a day. It sounds like a lot but that works out to about 5 bottles for me, and I can easily drink 3 or 4 just during work. I also tend to use my pee as a guide (see this chart)

    Perfect timing for that link Defining! I'd be tempted to try to see how much water I lost during a workout, but they say try not to drink during and I'm fairly certain I would die attempting that lol!!
  • ....or, I guess, we could drink when we're thirsty?


  • I have a pile of water bottles from the grocery store that I fill up (the 16.9 oz ones). Most days I get at least 5 in, some days up to 7 or 8. And I don't run to the bathroom every 5 minutes either, unless I down more than 1 full bottle at a time.
  • I try to aim for 1.5 litres (53oz) a day, which is the minimum recommended in Britain. However I don't take into account the amount of tea I drink, which is anywhere between 2-5 cups a day (about 8oz for one mug, I read).

    Personally, I've found that water really helps me. I drink loads whenever I have a bottle next to me, and I believe I'm less hungry because of it. They say people confuse thirst with hunger and I believe this is genuine because hey, I sure as **** snack a lot less when I have my water
  • I think the water has a couple functions...not only does it help flush the kidneys,but it helps fill us up and satisfy an oral urge so we do not nibble .
    I have a glass of water with lemon beside me all the time.
  • Well I drink whenever I'm thirsty and looking for ideas on how to spice up the water because I'm thirsty a lot!
  • Quote: Well I drink whenever I'm thirsty and looking for ideas on how to spice up the water because I'm thirsty a lot!
    I like citrus water (lemon, lime or orange slices - or a mix!) or cucumber water, especially in the summer.
  • I don't measure my water intake at all. I just keep a water bottle on my desk all day and drink when I'm thirsty.
    I go to the bathroom all day too with clear urine so I know I'm getting plenty of water.
    Just listen to your body. It will tell you how much water is too little or too much.
  • I drink about 100 oz a day (I'm also pregnant with twins) - but I know if I drank that much water while not pregnant, it would seriously curb my appetite. There's no room for food! Now it's just hard to eat at all.