Sugar Withdrawal/Detox Experiences?

  • Hello Everyone-

    I am hoping to hear some of the experiences that you have all had when going off sugar and eating better. The symptoms have been going on for 16 days for me. I spend the day doing pretty good, only fatigue and occasionally muscle cramps. However, around 6pm every evening, I get really sick. Nausea, sweating, diarrhea, cramps, nervousness, dizziness- I am a mess. It lasts for 30 min - 3 hours and then I just crawl into bed and sleep it off.

    Has anyone experienced something like this? It's really interfering with my quality of life and I keep waiting for the end of this.

    Any advice or shared story is much appreciated.

  • 32 views and no one has anything to share?
  • I have not experienced anything that you are describing especially lasting that many days. My thoughts are that is more than enough time to get over the sugar. Could something else in your lifestyle be affecting you at the same times each day? Stress?, foods? Work? Exercise?
  • Could the symptoms be caused by poor diet? What foods are you currently eating?

    Make sure you eat enough vegetables, protein, and healthy fats, and also drink enough water. If you want to eat something sweet, you can eat fruit.