Just Discovered Eggplant

  • So being a veggie lover, I don't know why it took me so long to try eggplant. I think because it's so ugly, and has that spongy feel to it. But I hate to say I don't like something unless I've actually tried it, so I did. I would like to note that I have had eggplant parm in restaurants and liked it, but there's a big different between having it come to you already prepared and covered in sauce and cheese, and having to touch the original item and prepare it yourself.

    I sliced it longways, salted it, and let it sit to draw out the extra water. Then I sprayed the slices with some olive oil and grilled it on a stove-top grill pan. I covered it with sauce and cheese, and it was great! I think I could probably eat it just grilled as a side dish, too.

    I have overcome my aversion to the look and feel of the raw veggie, and have a new veggie to add to my WOE.
  • I like the Japanese Eggplants a lot. Look up Sweet Basil Eggplant. Mmmmmm. Having it today layered in a pasta free lasagna.