Need help to start fasting diet

  • I don't know where to start ? Anybody willing to guide me a little ? Robin from New Orleans
  • When I started, I got a lot of information from The management of the site is moving it, so there is a chance it will be down for a bit. So much great information there. There is a forum here that includes folks discussing variations of fasting diets. I started with 0-400 cal intake on Monday and Thursday. I have since developed a modified plan where I have a weekly calorie intake target and sometimes meeting it requires a fast day and sometimes it doesn't if the week didn't include eating out, etc. Good luck! The best thing I learned from fasting is that I won't die if I am hungry and I learned better to distinguish hunger from boredom, thirst, etc.
  • Hiya Robin! Cut back on your meals and snacking,,,I started this weekend and doing my best on one meal a day,,eating breakfast....fasting, repeat..Allow your tummy be your guide. It takes time to adjust..but this method fits my lifestyle..which is easy and simple!

    Good luck with your efforts..