Lost weight, gained it back, now ready to lose it again

  • I lost weight a few years ago, going from a few pounds over 200 to 108 pounds which was considered underweight. Fast forward, I gained all the weight back within 4 years. After really thinking about it, I just need to lose about 50 or so lbs to be considered at a healthy weight. So right now, that's my first goal to hit.

    I started a diet almost two weeks ago and today I just went off it in a bad way today. I mean, it was horrible but yet satisfying lol! Im sure I was not eating enough because of the way I felt during my diet this time around so when I cheated, it made me feel physically better. Part of the problem is that I have an eating disorder and I never stay at a stable weight. Either I become underweight or extremely overweight.

    Anyway, I am going to let tomorrow be a fresh start. I need to lose weight for a few reasons, one of them being is that I was diagnosed as
    pre-diabetic in the beginning of the year. I don't know what my status is now but since I haven't changed my eating habits until very recently, I could very well be diabetic. So losing weight is urgent for overall health. Plus, I want to wear small clothes again. They are all hanging in the closet waiting patiently lol

    Well thank you for reading and good luck everyone!
  • Welcome back!
  • thank you so much! Since posting I got back on track with my diet, infact I really didn't eat much yesterday, just 2 eggs and 2 pieces of turkey bacon and today was limited too, probably under 700 calories, and that's only because I was really busy the last 2 days. Well, tomorrow is another day of not much eating. So, I think I made up for my cheat day! lol
  • Hey There!
    I'm here with the same story you have almost, I lost 55lbs in a year and was so happy and after a stressful and busy summer that had major renovation projects in it, I have found myself with 30+ lbs back. 😭So I'm starting in the morning to lose what I gained back and then hopefully another 25. Although I felt so happy and healthy 30 lbs back I may be content to maintain that. But it's so hard to stay in the right mindset when life gets crazy! I just have to make it happen. Good luck on your journey!