Question About Alternative Food

  • When choosing alternative food, what, besides at least 15g protein and calories, should I be looking at? Is sodim, cholesterol, carbs, issue?

    guidelines are:

    calories per serving 70-160 ...most non-restricted are 80-120; Restricted under 200 calories

    less than 30% total calories from fat (take the calories from fat, multiply by 3 - if it's lower than the total calories you're fine).. if not shown, fat calories x9 = calories from fat

    Less than 17g NET carbs (subtract Dietary fiber from total carbs)
    8g or less NET carbs = unrestricted
    9g to 15g NET carbs = restricted (once per day only)
    15g to 17g NET carbs = super restricted (twice a week only)

    12g protein or more (most IP packets have 15-18).DON’T go much above 20 regularly
  • Thank you for the info!
  • Hi, this is great info! can you give an example of foods that are like that? Also, a burning question that I have.... Aside from the additional calories, what is the downside of having more protein than the average planned for the day. In other words, if I am hungry and I go for homemade jerky (which has essentially no carbs, cured with spices and vinegar), what is the downside? Any thoughts on that?
  • There is a school of thought that excess protein can be metabolized as glucose, and a big part of IP is limiting glucose spikes / resting the pancreas
  • I occasionally add a boiled egg as a snack if I am having a really bad "hangry" day (2oz extra protein but no carbs) My coach said that would be ok and it does help curb my hungries!
  • Quote: I occasionally add a boiled egg as a snack if I am having a really bad "hangry" day (2oz extra protein but no carbs) My coach said that would be ok and it does help curb my hungries!
    perfect, cause I love eggs!