I've been careless and taken liberties, now I'm paying the high price (double chin)

  • I started my journey in January. Without exercising, I lost 15 lbs. Then I started visiting family every weekend. And when I say family, I mean BIG family. Eating here and there. I can't stop when I'm back home alone, so I continue the galore.
    So, the whole of last month I didn't lose anything (or should I say, I gained and lost about 2 lbs) BUT the thing that's affecting me most is my double chin. W

    When I started my journey, the double chin went away fast and my face slimmed down.

    Now, though I'm okay scale wise, I feel fluffy, my face has rounded up again and my double chin is back.

    I look as if I had swollen, the same look I had at my initial weight.

    Bracing up to get a slim face again but I just needed to vent before