Hello from NY

  • Hi everyone just found this site and man it has a lot of great information I am not sure how much I can offer to this site I do have some insight to some things but I know that I can learn a lot from all of you just by reading some of the comments !
    I am soon to be 60 years old and am overweight I have a hard time loosing as my exercise is limited but I do swim and try to do what I can and I am also a insulin dependent diabetic so that just makes matters worse.
    so that is part of my story and will continue more as time goes on.
    so glad to be a part of this family hope to learn lots from everyone A big hello from farm country
  • Hello back from Ontario East farm country, Neighbour. How close are you to the border?
    I've been struggling with weight for most of my 76 years. Maybe we can share ideas. Are you following any particular plan? I'm pretty much committed to South Beach with carbs reduced.
  • Hi Ruth
    Not sure how far from border but I know we are 2 hours from Plattsburgh NY and as you can tell from my knowledge I am not much of a traveler either I only know the distance to there cause my nephew went to Plattsburgh state college
    I do not follow any particular plan I try to stay low on carbs to keep my blood sugar down but I do love to experiment with a lot of dishes so I would love to share them with you and maybe you could give me some ideas you have.
    will be talking to ya have a great day !
  • Hello!

    It's great that you found this place and are looking for ways to help you. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
  • :welcome; Good luck with your efforts!!