Hi! I finally decided it was time.

  • Hi there! My name is Charlynn, and I'm 19 this year. I used to be really skinny up until I hit puberty. Then I was always chubby and now I'm overweight at 165lbs! This might sound silly but I finally decided it was time to lose the weight and keep my body healthy.

    One of the reasons why is because I have self esteem issues. I knew I was overweight and especially being in Asia, most girls are stick thin! I avoided making new friends because I was scared they would make fun of my weight. I hate going out and I'm always just indoors. What social life? lol.

    Also, I've been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years now and I've always been fat. He has never once told me that I needed to lose weight, and was never once embarrassed by me. I feel like I should do this for him too, since he's been so supportive in everything!

    So yeah. That's my story and why I'm starting! How about you?
  • Hi Charlynn and Welcome! Good for you in deciding to get more healty. You've come to a nice forum with lots of supportive people. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  • Hi Charlyn, nice to meet you