Ketogenics - Leptin/Insulin Resistance

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  • Walking Hills

    I started out walking from my house a few blocks aday. I've worked up to 4-7 miles at least 4 days a week. If I don't have the time, I walk 30 minutes each day. That's all that's necessary to kick leptin and insulin resistance to the curb. I change my routines and walk up a hill every opportunity I have.

    Hills help tighten your skin more than level ground. Swinging your arms, your muscles work and your skin tightens. You're not left with loose, swingy arms and saggy legs. Hike a hill. Make the most of your ketogenic protocol.
  • Kerrygold butter or another grass-fed brand of butter really matters because corn or soy-fed cows don’t make butter with the same fats. Those butters don’t blend well, don’t taste good, and don’t make you feel as energetic.

    Grass-fed butter is much healthier than other butter. It doesn’t make cholesterol levels worse, it optimizes them! Starting your day with grass-fed butter will give you lots of energy and it will give your body healthy fats that it will use to make cell walls and hormones.

    If you’re so starved for healthy fats that you feel like you can’t get enough... It will take your body a week or two to fully turn on its fat digestion systems when you switch to a high healthy fat breakfast of Bulletproof Coffee. If at first it is a little too rich, try using less butter initially then build up to the amount you like. Taking a digestive enzyme supplement with your coffee will also help your body digest the butter.

    Try this just once, with at least 1-2 Tbs of butter in your coffee. You will experience one of the best mornings of your life, with boundless energy and focus. It’s amazing.

    After one drink of Bulletproof Coffee, you won't be tempted to eat fat-free, insulin-raising, fat-storing toast and oatmeal breakfasts again.

    Dave Asprey
  • Best of all, science shows conclusively that the best diet tastes good and is satisfying. It’s not low-fat, and you don’t need to limit calories or eat frankenfoods. You can have a real turkey for Thanksgiving.

    This is what I distilled from consuming countless thousands of research papers online, spending more than 10 years working with some of the world’s top health and nutrition researchers, reading over 150 nutrition books, and self-experimenting for 15 years. No calorie counting, no measuring. Just eat and feel your brain, body, and hormones re-awaken as your effortlessly lose weight and gain muscle on little or no exercise.

    Target 50-60% of calories from healthy fats (this is easy and tastes good), 20% from protein, and the rest from vegetables (some fruits).

    Dave Asprey
  • According to my world-class anti-aging physician, I’m in the lowest percentile for diabetes risk, heart disease, and cancer, despite being a high risk for all of those when I was 10 years younger. I have lower triglyceride levels than most anyone I know. How can I do it?

    The methods are simple, effective, and easy. This plan is not meant to turn you into a bodybuilder (though I start to look like one after even one workout), triathlete, or Crossfit competitor. You’ll need a lot more training – and more carbs – to become an elite athlete. But unless you’re a paid athlete, you might want to consider the fact that you can look and feel great without needing to train like an elite athlete. By using this protocol, you can free up hours of time every week, which lets you be a professional father, student, or friend.

    The Bulletproof Body plan is meant to provide you with the bare minimum to look awesome and stay healthy for life. This is the foundation for fitness and health. Even if you’re not a hardcore athlete, this can serve as your default program for feeling and looking like you mean business.

    Dave Asprey
  • 1. Eat Lots

    Long term calorie restriction is not an effective weight loss method and it has disastrous effects on your health and your brain. When I was 300 pounds, I ate 1500-1800 calories a day and worked out 9 hours a week. I didn’t lose a pound – if anything, I was gaining. Here’s why:
    a) Calorie Cutting

    Restricting calories is a stressor. When your body is stressed and believes it is starving, it wants to hold on to fat. By eating more, you tell your body it’s okay to burn fat.
    b) Nutrient Deficiencies

    Nutrient dense foods are often sacrificed when people restrict calories. Things like grass-fed butter, fatty pasture raised meat, and organs have highest nutrient content of any food. They’re also high in calories, which is why misinformed calorie-fearing people avoid them. Without proper nutrients, your body won’t efficiently burn fat or build muscle. Eat nutrient dense foods like those on the Bulletproof Diet and ignore the calories. It’s food quality and composition that matter, not volume.
    c) Low-Calorie Junk Food

    In order to cut calories, many people resort to things (I’m not going to call them foods) like 100 calorie snack packs, diet soda, and fat free yogurt. Big mistake. These foods might be lower in calories, but they make you crave more food. They don’t satisfy your appetite or provide nutrition. They contain toxins that will impede your fat loss goals and make you sick. Refined and packed “food products” make you fat. You’re better off to go hungry – seriously – than to eat these junk foods.

    Dave Asprey
  • 2. Maintain High Healthy Saturated Fat Intake

    Eating a high fat diet teaches your body to burn fat instead of sugar. It also keeps you satisfied which prevents cravings. Make sure you’re eating high quality fats – not vegetable oils or peanut butter. Saturated fat like coconut oil and grass-fed butter will not cause hardened arteries; they help your brain and body perform and look better. Fats are needed for the formation of sex hormones like testosterone and human growth hormone. A high fat diet prevents blood sugar swings and low energy. When in doubt – eat more fat. I eat 60% of my calories from fat, and often have a meal that is only fat, which keeps my metabolism ready to burn fat for fuel.

    Dave Asprey
  • The Bulletproof Exercise Guide

    Exercise isn’t the most important part of achieving your desired body. If done improperly – as in marathons – it will cause more harm than good. However, exercise does offer a number of advantages. Exercise improves bone density, mood, blood lipids, and increases insulin sensitivity and lean muscle. It can also decrease inflammation and help you sleep.
    Exercise is simply not a way to burn calories directly; that faddish way of thinking makes no sense if you pay attention to your body. Your body composition is not determined by the amount of calories you eat; it is determined by hormones. Therefore, exercise should be viewed as a way to influence hormones, not as a method for burning calories. You are not a gasoline engine and you do not burn anything for energy. If we actually did burn things, we’d all be eating coal, which burns well and is high-calorie.

    Proper Exercise? Correct Hormone Balance? Burn Fat & Gain Muscle
    There is a point of diminishing return with exercise. More exercise will not always lead to more benefits. Most people over-exercise.

    Exercise sessions should generally be no more than 20 minutes, and they should be VERY high intensity.

    Perform no more than one exercise session per week if you’re sleep hacking.

    Workout up to three times per week otherwise.

    If you aren’t getting high quality sleep, don’t even consider exercise.

    Dave Asprey
  • There are five keys to Bulletproof exercise. Make it:


    Anything that does not meet these criteria is not exercise. Marathons, Ironmans, ultra endurance events, and even Crossfit are not exercise based on these criteria for the simple fact that they do not optimize health while creating fitness. They are immensely challenging and require great physical and mental strength, but they are their own separate entities – not to be confused with exercise. Being fit or being able to compete in a specific sport does not mean you are healthy.
    No matter how fit you are, you won’t achieve Bulletproof resilience and power unless you’re healthy.

    Sure, you may become healthier by doing something like Crossfit, and you’ll certainly become more fit, but it simply isn’t the best way to do so. There are better methods.

    Dave Asprey
  • Most people don’t know about one of the most important health reasons to move frequently, which is lymphatic circulation. Lymph is the fluid that your body collects from interstitial fluid, the fluid that lies between cells. You have an entire lymphatic circulation system designed to return dead cells, proteins, and excess interstitial fluid back to the circulation system for removal. Lymph helps to remove some bacteria, cancer cells, and toxic metabolites, and also transports fats from the digestive system.

    Unlike your cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system has no central pump, so lymph moves only from alternate contraction and relaxation of muscle, valves, and compression when you flex nearby muscles. So you need to move to help your body carry off excess toxins and fluid. After all, excess interstitial fluid will give you “muffin top” long before abdominal fat will.

    Even if you exercise, people who sit more than 6 hours a day are 40 percent more likely to die in the next 15 years. The fact that sitting burns only one calorie per minute isn’t why it’s bad for you. Sitting decreases HDL cholesterol and blood flow. It decreases electrical signaling in your leg muscles and causes functional shortening of tendons and ligaments.

    Low level aerobic activity has been shown to improve insulin signaling, reduce stress, inflammation, and boost longevity. It reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia, and even the common cold.

    Move at a slow pace as much as possible.

    Dave Asprey
  • Supplement Smart

    There are numerous supplements that can improve fat loss, muscle gain, immune function, and performance. Here are several that almost anyone can benefit from.

    Vitamin D

    1000 IU / 25 pounds (~11kg) of bodyweight.
    Supports immune function.
    Allows proper tissue formation.
    Improves exercise performance.
    Acts as a pro-hormone in the body.

    Magnesium Citrate

    400-800mg / day.
    Needed for bone formation.
    Relaxes blood flow and reduces stress.
    Improves cardiac function.
    Enhances mitochondria activity.

    Dave Asprey
  • Use the Bulletproof Diet to Feed Your Brain

    Most diets promise to get you thin, but they do this to the detriment of your mental performance. The Bulletproof Diet, on the other hand, was not only designed to give you a lean, healthy body, but also to get you a high-functioning brain. How does this work, exactly?

    Stop Depending on Sugar for Fuel and Jumpstart Ketosis

    When you follow the Bulletproof Diet, you eat a restricted amount of carbohydrates, which puts you into ketosis. This means that your liver converts the fats you eat into an energy source, ketones, so that you no longer need carbohydrates to function. This is great for your brain, because your brain prefers ketones to perform certain jobs. In fact, even if your liver isn’t producing ketones, your brain will make some on its own to maintain the health of synapses. Ketones are a more efficient source of energy for your brain than sugars are, and if your brain is working more efficiently, so is everything you do.

    Drinking Bulletproof Coffee in the Morning

    The Bulletproof Diet isn’t just your typical low-carb diet that helps you move slowly towards ketosis. A staple of the diet, Bulletproof Coffee, can kick you into ketosis much faster than you could get there on your own. The medium-chain fatty acids in Upgraded MCT Oil can also aid in your ketone production. On top of that, you’ve got the added stimulant benefits of the caffeine and diterpines in coffee.

    Going Gluten-Free

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the negative health effects of gluten. Gluten can cause learning problems, focus issues, and memory malfunction. Gluten causes your body to elevate levels of inflammation, particularly by forming cytokines, proteins that are found in patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and autism — all neurological diseases.

    Limiting Histamine

    The Bulletproof Diet is comprised of foods with low histamine levels, which have more of an impact on you than just causing your seasonal allergy issues. Histamines are a neurotransmitter, which means they send messages between your body and your brain. High histamine levels can cause headaches, sleep issues, and anxiety, and you can get histamines not just from your allergies, but also through food — particularly aged, smoked, or cured foods. Since the Bulletproof Diet advocates fresh meat, eggs, and produce — all low-histamine foods — it can help protect you from these problems.

    Eating More Healthy Fats

    Your brain is mostly made up of saturated fats and cholesterol, which is why people supplement with DHA and EPA (both fatty acids) to support brain health with supplements like Krill Oil. Your mind uses fat to recover and repair itself, resulting in improved memory, increased cognitive skills, and better moods. Bulletproof’s high-fat diet (up to 70% of daily calories) supports a Bulletproof body and a Bulletproof mind.

    Dave Asprey
  • Basic Pie Crust

    Makes two 9 – inch crusts

    6 Tbl cream cheese, softened
    6 Tbl KerryGold butter
    1 ¼ cup ground pecans, walnuts or macadamia nuts
    ¾ cup coconut flour
    ¼ tsp salt
    2 Tbl granulated sugar substitute
    4 Tbl cold water

    Combine the butter and cream cheese together until smooth. Stir in the flax, coconut flour, salt and sweetener, mixing to combine. Add the cold water and mix until a stiff dough forms. Divide into two equal balls – each will make one 9 inch crust.

  • Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie

    Serves 8

    ½ recipe for Basic Pie Crust (see above)
    8 oz cream cheese, softened
    ¾ cup granulated sugar substitute
    1 tsp cinnamon
    ½ tsp ground cloves
    ½ tsp ground ginger
    ½ tsp ground nutmeg
    ½ tsp salt
    3 eggs
    2 cups pureed pumpkin
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    Roll out the dough and place in a pie plate. Crimp edges as desired. In a large bowl, blend the cream cheese until fluffy. Combine the sweetener and spices together in a small bowl and mix well. Gradually add the sweetener and spice mixture to the cream cheese and beat until fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each. Add the pumpkin and vanilla extract and blend until fully combined. Pour the batter into the prepared shell and bake in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven for 40 minutes. Chill before serving. Garnish with whipped cream if desired

  • Amazing Bread

    3 cup blanched almond flour (10 oz)
    10 TBS psyllium husk powder (no substitutes) (90 grams) (must be a fine powder, measure weight to be sure) (I use Jay Robb whole husk psyllium ground in a blender until half its origonal volume, other psyllium may not have the same results)
    4 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp Celtic sea salt
    5 TBS apple cider vinegar (2 oz)
    6 egg whites (7 oz)
    1 1/2 cup BOILING water (12 oz)

    NOTE: Make sure to weigh your ingredients to ensure it rises properly and doesn’t get hallow and gummy. Also, if you do weigh and grind your psyllium and still have a problem, try grinding the psyllium again. We have a batch of psyllium that we ground and didn’t work. Stay really wet. So we ground it again and it works great! Also, if your loaf looks nice and big but then deflates after removed from the oven, try reducing the baking powder to 3 teaspoons.

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a medium sized bowl, combine the flour, psyllium powder (no substitutes: flaxseed meal won’t work), baking powder and salt. Mix until dry ingredients are well combined. Add in the eggs and vinegar and mix until a thick dough. Add boiling water into the bowl. Mix until well combined and dough firms up.

    Form into a loaf and place into a greased bread pan (I used an 8X4 inch pan). Bake for 60-75 minutes. It should be somewhat firm to the touch and have a nice brown crust. Remove from the oven and allow the bread to cool completely.

    Makes 10 servings (2 slices per serving)
  • Best Ever Paleo Stuffing.

    1 pound ground pork
    2 cups diced onions
    2 cups diced bell peppers
    4 cups (about 1 pound) diced mushrooms
    2 cups diced apples
    8 oz fresh cranberries
    1 cup toasted chopped pecans (optional)
    ~ 2 T duck fat, bacon fat, butter, or coconut oil.
    1 T fresh rosemary, minced
    1 T fresh thyme, minced
    2-3 leaves fresh sage (or 1/2 t dried)
    sea salt
    4 eggs
    1/4 cup chicken or turkey stock
    2 T coconut flour

    Prepare all of your ingredients and preheat your oven to 350°.
    Melt about 2 teaspoons of your fat of choice in a large cast iron or stainless skillet over medium-high heat.

    Add the pork and cook until it just browns, 3-4 minutes. Add a pinch of salt and remove with a slotted spoon and place in a large bowl. Pour off excess liquid from your skillet and add another teaspoon of fat.

    Turn the heat down to medium and add the onions. Saute until golden brown and soft, 6-8 minutes. Add to the bowl with the pork.
    Add another teaspoon of fat, and saute bell peppers for 4 minutes, stirring often. Add to the bowl with the other ingredients.

    Throw in yet another teaspoon of fat, turn the heat up to medium-high, and add the mushrooms. Saute for about 3 minutes, stirring often. Add to the bowl with the other ingredients.

    To the large bowl, add the apples, pecans, cranberries, herbs, and a good pinch of salt.
    In a medium bowl, beat together the eggs, chicken or turkey stock, and coconut flour. Add a pinch of salt if you’re stock isn’t salted.

    Pour the liquid into the large bowl and mix.

    Pour the whole thing into an oven safe casserole and bake for one hour.
    Allow to cool for 10 minutes before eating. It will firm up a bit