New hip pain

  • Hello I'm on my second week of c25k and did a run yesterday. About 10 mins into it my hip started hurting. I think it's a muscle? By the end of the run, it still hurt no more no less. By the time I got home and showered I was limping. It wouldn't hurt moving my leg into the stride but once I put my foot down into the stride. Now I woke this morning with still pain and stiff. It doesn't hurt sitting but lifting my leg and in a stride. I've been wearing the same shoes starting the running a few weeks back ( I've repeated days I. The c25 k when I wasn't feeling confident) any suggestions?? Thanks
  • I'm the type of person who has the attitude, "Am I dead? No. Ok, then you don't need a doctor." So, here's my advice about your situation:

    Take a few days to RICE: rest, ice, compression, elevate. Try an easy run, or a brisk walk, and see how you're feeling. If it still hurts, stop immediately and take some more rest time, then try it again. If the pain persists or worsens, then you might need to think about a trip to the doctor.

    How are your shoes? If they're old battered sneakers, that could be your problem. Or if you did get new ones, maybe they're not the right ones for you - not correcting any pronating issues you may have, not enough or too much arch support, not enough cushioning, improper fit, etc.

    Are you stretching out after your runs? And are you specifically including stretches for your hip flexors and psoas muscle?

    Also, as I recall you said you were running on hilly terrain. Are you still doing this? That might be a factor. Find somewhere flat to run until your body strengthens and is better able to cope with hills.

    Just remember: your body needs to adapt to running and you need to learn all the "right things" to do. Give it time and don't give up! When I first started running my everything hurt and I was certain I'd seriously damaged something. I just did some research and tried some different things until I figured out what I needed to do. Hopefully all will work out for you and your pain isn't an indication of a serious injury.
  • ^ what she said, especially the RICE and running shoes!

    You don't need to give up working out entirely - although I would take a break from running/C25K for a few days until you feel better - and there are plenty of other things you can do in the meantime without stressing your hip. One of my favorite alternatives is swimming, and it almost always helps alleviate soreness in my lower body, too. That being said, if it doesn't feel better in a week or two, definitely then you should make an appointment to see if it's anything more serious. Feel better