Noise sensitivity to loud noises!

  • Hi there,

    I'm wondering if any of you suffer from noise sensitivity? I can't stand the sound of scraping a plate, which to me is like nails on a chalkboard! Actually, it's become bad enough that my drain in my sink becomes so clogged because I put little pieces of my food down by accident since the scraping of a plate noise really triggers me.

    I'm moving to a new place tomorrow and I definitely don't want the same issues, I think the noise level from outside will be better because I am on a higher floor there. I've started using paper plates to throw away the mess and not have to deal with worrying about clogging the pipes.

    I read that there's treatment for this. I'm going to look into it.

    Take care. Thank you.

  • I have fibromyalgia and am quite sensitive to noise and smells/scents sometimes depending on how bad a day I am having. Instead of using paper plates, try using a sheet of paper towel to clean off the plate into the garbage before putting it into sink or dishwasher. Cheaper and less waste and you still get to feel like you are having a lovely dinner & have people over without being embarrassed by paper plates. I use paper towels a fair bit instead of scraping with a utensil.
  • Hi there Canadjineh,

    Thank you for your reply. I'm going to make a more conscious effort to not get food particles down the drain. While I am partially relieved that there is a disposal here, I don't want the same issues so I will try using a paper towel to wipe off my nicer plates, right after I eat. If I let the food harden then it becomes very difficult to get off. I find it interesting that you have fibromyalgia as do I and I had never made the connection to sensitivity to smells or noises, interesting. I'm seeing a new rheumatologist soon so I will talk with her about that.

    Thank you!

    Have a good night.

  • Hi seabiscuit: There are so many strange symptoms that we don't necessarily associate with FM. I have a subscription to a medical continuing education site for health care people from docs to dentists to nurses to hospital administrators and physiotherapists, etc. I used to be a Physio Rehab Assistant. I follow a thread on FM and they send me an email anytime a new paper is published. You can ask your new Rheumi if they subscribe to Medscape to keep up with the latest in research & treatments. Part of the problem is overly sensitive nerves and excess P-cells. That can mean we can be quite sensitive to sounds, scents, temperature, and light as well.
    I am always telling my hubby to 'turn down the volume' when he's talking, lol.
    Today's issue is I have a lot of delayed onset muscle soreness from my Aquacize class last evening. It takes people with FM twice as long to clear lactic acid from our systems so I will be sore for a while. I know the exercise is good for me though.

    Here's hoping your day goes well!

    BTW: there is a Fibromyalgia sticky at the top of this 'Dieting with Obstacles' forum. It doesn't get a whole lot of action but we could change that lol.
  • I use a white noise app on my phone or computer when i'm in the office to drown out other people's noises (including the clinking of my coworker eating).
  • thank you for this advice
    Hi there,

    thank you for the advice, I think a sound or white noise app may be the ticket to my not reacting so strongly to noise. Thank you for that advice, seagirl. I also appreciate the advice about medscape, these are great ideas!

    I have been doing some dishes using paper towels to scrape off the food, so far, so good!

    Thanks so much

  • I have ADD and sensory issues, so I feel ya. Things others can tune out irritate the crud out of me. Bright lights can give me optical migraines. If I end up beside a "boom car" in traffic I have to plug my ears. If a store is playing loud up-tempo music, I hurry to finish my shopping and get out of there.
  • Hi Skinnyminnie-

    Thank you for your advice. I have a mild form of ADD or ADHD, hmm I never linked the two. I tried a new app called Sleepy Sounds to soothe my pet guinea pig with city noises, it relaxes me too. It's a free app and I can select a lullaby, which I most often use, or other sounds. The lullaby is my favorite!

    I have noticed I'm very sensitive to smells too.
    I'm also wondering about touch, I have thought that I just have sensitive skin but I'm not sure.

    Thank you.

  • Take this with a grain of salt. But I wonder if you have sensory integration disorder?

    The basics of it are that you nervous system interprets some stimuli as pain. Even if a neuro typical person wouldn't. There is treatment for it, but be careful as well because there places that cost a lot money but don't have the evidence to back up there service.

    I work with a lot of children with SID, and while I don't directly treat that (an Occupational therapist does) I do make accommodations. There are some sounds and sensations that you have to learn to tolerate. But if you can protect yourself and still be functional then you should. The paper towel idea is excellent. As is the app for sounds. Other ideas include ear plugs, or listening to music or a book on tape with headphones while doing the dishes.

    And in my experience, a lot of my students with ADD have sensory integration issues.
  • Thank you for that information, I'll look into it, I'm not sure.

    Take care.

  • Quote: I have ADD and sensory issues, so I feel ya. Things others can tune out irritate the crud out of me. Bright lights can give me optical migraines. If I end up beside a "boom car" in traffic I have to plug my ears. If a store is playing loud up-tempo music, I hurry to finish my shopping and get out of there.
    I'm a bit ADD and have trouble tuning out other people's noise. I use portable devices and headphones to help me eliminate the unwanted noises. For me, I listen to AM/FM radio stations (talk radio & music), podcasts, audio books and my own choice of music.

    It may sound strange. I may not remember much about what I'm listening to, but it can help me concentrate on my tasks at hand. I actually used to use headphones at work to listen to something of my choice and to screen out the noise from teammates in cubicles around me (especially the loud talkers).

    What I hate more than the cars with the mega base are the neighbors with the mega base or the loud outdoor speakers (and those who cank up the volume so loud you can't escape the noise from any corner of you house) . Then there are the neighbors who think it ok to throw a big party and put a band, microphone and amps in their yard.
  • Smacking noise. Eating, slurping, loudly chewing gum... I don't only feel honest PAIN, but I want to murder people, and I'm generally a nice person. When I was in school, a girl chewed gum every day and would just smack and smack and smack. The test days... were so horrid I couldn't focus at all. I finally freaked out and told her she NEEDED to spit out the gum. I instantly felt horrid because I said it loud and most the class heard me, she got really offended and decided to hate me, in viscous ways. I found gum on the seat I usually sat in once, thankfully I hadn't sat down yet, but she was watching. I did apologize and tried to explain that my outburst wasn't warranted, that the noise just literally hurts me, but that I really shouldn't have done that, but... the damage was done and she made sure to chew extra loud and started blowing bubbles. I wanted to cry each period, I tried to sit far away from her, and during tests I was thankful I can speed through them and would bail ASAP.

    I mean, I have put up with being molested by men, I've put up with cat calls, I've put up with racism, I've put up with BLATANT sexism ("The men are talking deary, why don't you run along... FU") and I usually can handle situations in a far more calming and professional manner, but... the smacking noise. I never seem to know the tact to tell someone that they are chewing in an unreasonable manner and that it severely bugs me. I usually just cringe through it for the sake of being polite then run as fast as I can. If I know them, I'll try to politely mention that I'd appreciate if they could try to chew with their mouth closed. Of course... every time you just offend people. Why can't we just close our lips and take reasonably bites?!
  • I hear what you're saying kuri, I want to scream when I'm on a bus, plane or train and a kid or baby makes tons of noises, it drives me crazy! I just want to scream, "can you please make your kid be quiet!"

    Naughty, I also listen to my headphones a lot too, especially if it's a noisy area where I am. I know I shouldn't listen to them too often but sometimes the noise drives me bonkers.

    Thanks for this input.
