~~June Golden Girls~~

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  • How is it you can weigh....eat two eggs and a cup of coffee, go shopping for an hour, go to the bathroom and gain 2 pounds!!!

  • breakfast

    2 ham and cheese rollups
    iced tea

    coffee mocha blended

    shake and bake chicken breast
    mixed green salad

    sf fruit pop
  • delou
    it is due to the earths gravitational pull...you did not gain weight!
  • Another day of no real tracking (just in my head sorta) but don't think I've done too badly esp with having a fast food lunch again even. I woke up this morning to a 3# drop so was happy about that but I still have to drop 4 more lbs to get down to where I was before.

    We had some shopping to do and I saw a watch I thought dh might like and he did so we bought it for his fathers day gift. I also got notice today that I won a man's shirt...a $68 value! and dh was able to choose the one he wants. So that makes two pretty nice wins this month so far. The other was a set of friendship bracelets, valued at $60 for the two of them. I may give them for a gift or may keep them, will see.

    The surgery is scheduled for July 1st and on the 24th he has a pre-op appt right here with our regular doctor. I wish the surgery could be done here too.

    I had leg cramps all night last night. It's strange how they go in cycles, they are gone for months then all of a sudden they come back for a few days. I've been noticing little achy cramps happening in my feet now and then the last couple days and last night they came on strong...top of feet, ankles and calves. Thank God no further but I woke up every 1-2 hours with them and took medication three times. I hope I sleep better tonight but I am thankful that I did get a short periods of sleep in between at least.

    Our grandson graduates college Sat and our dd is in a run right here in our town (about once a year) so it's a busy weekend.

    Deelou - Things like that happen to me too! It is wierd but the body is always fluctuating...sodium, fluids, waste plus our activity so guess there is a reason for it.

    Jess/Donna - Glad you are enjoying retirement so far! Wish you didn't have to have surgery but I'm sure you'll enjoy your life much more without pain. I know whatever happens dh and I will be ok but it is difficult to watch him have to go through these things. Also I am way too dependent on him, but I will take care of him and I know he will/would do the same for me.

    Rosey - These dhs are starting to break down aren't they? Hard to watch, but such is life I guess. One day it will be us too. My dh has always been so healthy and strong...most people are very surprised to learn his age. The carmel corn didn't upset your tummy? Hope not as it does sound good. I had a few jelly beans today so you and me kid..

    bye for now..
  • Good morning. It's raining again. Today is pack up day for the camp. We are going to work on the water well shed. Not to fish :-( I went to walmart last night after work. Sad sad. Has anyone noticed the smaller quantity they are putting in the products not to raise prices. I buy the great value beef jerky. Instead of less jerky they raised the price 1 dollar. I didn't have 1/2 a basket and my purchase of 167.63. I hate to grocery shop. It's depressing. I hate to see my bill if I had bought meat. Which I don't buy at walmart other than cold cuts or bacon.
    Diet is still going well. I can tell I've lost this week and I know it's just a lot of fluid. My rings are loose on my finger. The last time I started this diet I lost 6 lbs the first week and none after that for 3 weeks then it started to come off. I'll have to try and not get discouraged and keep on going thru the plateau that usually happens. Since I've gotten off the carbs I'm not having those food cravings and extreme hunger pains.

    Mary congrats on your winnings. Sending a prayer your way for your dh's surgery. Will the polyps be ok not have that surgery?

    Deelou I've noticed that too. I always weigh more in the afternoon than the morning.
    Hi to everybody this morning.
    I have to get busy this morning.

  • Hi Maryea: Are you getting enough calcium? I've heard that not getting enough can cause leg cramping at night. You might also try doing some gentle leg stretches just before bed if you've had a busy day walking around... calf stretches, rolling a tennis ball under your feet and scrunch & uncurl toes repeatedly, hamstring and quad stretches. Hope they feel better tonight.

    I like your comment Lucinda, lol. Cajun, if you are cutting carbs (that's what I did to lose the weight - in maintenance now for 3 months) you will lose a fair bit of water & glycogen at first then things will even out as you start to use your fat stores and go into ketosis. The trick is in phasing into maintenance properly and separating mainly carb meals from higher fat meals. If they are high together in one meal it signals insulin to store the fat from that meal instead of using it. UGH! - stored fat.... no thanks, done with that!

    Hope your day is humming along well, chickies!
  • Liana thanks for the tip. I am cutting carbs. I've heard of ketosis but not sure what it meant.
    Thanks again
    Hugs cajun

  • Breakfast

    fried egg sandwich with cheese slice
    iced tea

    blended coffee mocha

    split pea and ham soup
    corn muffin

    snack sf frozen fruit pop
  • I know I don't usually have time to post on weekends but I just had to share. She said YES. Ds proposed to his gf last night. They texted me at 1030 last night. Did I sleep? Ha. Not after that. I was too excited. I don't know the details yet but I'm sure I will today. I'm over the moon. She is a lovely lil girl. I'm going to have a daughter after all these years.

    Hugs cajun
  • Newby
    Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. So this time I'm going to do something different to change my eating habits and lose this weight once and for all! I've been lurking here a few days and enjoying the comraderie and support among members and it feels like a safe place to be so here I am!

    My name is Ellen, I'm a retired RN in Tennessee, married to DH 36 mostly happy years, no children, 4 dogs and a cat! I love travelling, gardening, volunteering for animal rescue groups, reading, movies, and TV especially Investigation Discovery (I think I was a homicide detective in another life).

    I'm 5'2" tall and weigh 238 pounds. So there it is. I want to lose 90 pounds over the next year. I've struggled my entire life with my eating and weight but recently regained 90 pounds due to anxious overeating following a traumatic event 2 years ago. That's a lot of anxiety and overeating!

    I'm unable to exercise at this point because I'm short of breath just walking around in my house. It's ridiculous. My plan is to follow a 1500 cal low carb diet. DH is diabetic but otherwise healthy and normal weight and he's very supportive of my weight loss efforts and will eat anything I prepare so that makes things easier.

    I'm very happy to be here and look forward to being part of this group. Ellen
  • Quote: Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. So this time I'm going to do something different to change my eating habits and lose this weight once and for all! I've been lurking here a few days and enjoying the comraderie and support among members and it feels like a safe place to be so here I am!

    My name is Ellen, I'm a retired RN in Tennessee, married to DH 36 mostly happy years, no children, 4 dogs and a cat! I love travelling, gardening, volunteering for animal rescue groups, reading, movies, and TV especially Investigation Discovery (I think I was a homicide detective in another life).

    I'm 5'2" tall and weigh 238 pounds. So there it is. I want to lose 90 pounds over the next year. I've struggled my entire life with my eating and weight but recently regained 90 pounds due to anxious overeating following a traumatic event 2 years ago. That's a lot of anxiety and overeating!

    I'm unable to exercise at this point because I'm short of breath just walking around in my house. It's ridiculous. My plan is to follow a 1500 cal low carb diet. DH is diabetic but otherwise healthy and normal weight and he's very supportive of my weight loss efforts and will eat anything I prepare so that makes things easier.

    I'm very happy to be here and look forward to being part of this group. Ellen
    Welcome Ellen, and walk around your house as much as you can even if you get out of breath - things can only improve if you do. You may be surprised by the improvements in a month's time... We'll support you here. Is DH Type 1 or 2? on meds or controlled by diet? just wondering.

  • Welcome Ellen
  • Thanks for the welcome! DH is type2 diabetic taking 2 kinds of insulin and 3 oral diabetic pills. He was diagnosed 15 years ago and is very conscientious, checking his blood sugar 4 times a day, keeping a chart of his blood sugars, knows all about his medications and how each one acts to lower his blood sugar, exercises at the gym 5 days a week. He is serious about taking care of himself. I'm inspired by him and grateful for his willingness to do whatever I need him to do to help me with my eating challenges.

    I really want our 'golden years' to be happy and active and, although I've been relatively healthy so far despite the poundage, I know that I'm high risk for developing all kinds of health issues. So with DH's support and the support of this group I'm going to move forward to take control of my eating and my life. Ellen
  • You are on the right track, my hubby and I hit 50 in two months...married at 20 and I have recently found the only way I can lose....we each are different, just keep working at what you know you need to do and don't look at it as a DIET, it is a change in the way you see, use and feel about food....welcome....
  • I reached my first goal of 12 pounds so am now going for 5 at a time....works better for me as I really don't know when it will stop for me and I know at this low of calorie/point count I cannot live on less than 900-1000 a day. Thyroid does a work on your body and though I am ok on all my numbers it has messed me up and so this is what works for me......