Need help and support!

  • I am in a relationship with a lovely man and he's currently overseas. We want to get married when he gets back and I'd like to surprise him by losing a significant amount of weight before he get's back stateside. I suppose I feel like I need some support and encouragement, since my family and friends don't think I can do it and are quick to make sarcastic remarks about it. Anyone else in a similar boat?
  • Good luck. Of course everyone here wants you to be successful on your weight loss journey.

    Best to do it for yourself though because what will happen when he gets here, will you stop with the program? Try to think in the longer term and don't be in too much of a hurry. Make the way you eat a permanent change.

    A couple of books i've found helpful are:
    The don't Go Hungry Diet - it will teach you how to assess your appetite and learn to eat according to it. As well as giving you some new good and useful concepts and the low down on some foods that you may normally eat regularly.
    French Women Don't get Fat. - Has a few good tips, is a very pleasant read, some good healthy recipes and a way of eating and enjoying food that may not be familiar to you.

    Note i don't follow to the letter everything they say and recommend but i have found both books useful and good to read as well as informative.
  • Welcome and congrats on your exciting plans. What is your timeline and how much are you hoping to lose before he gets back?
  • Welcome! That's a food goal to have but you have to remember that you're doing this for yourself and not for anyone else. Think of it as a fun project for yourself. If you don't enjoy the process you won't be able to keep it up. What kinds of things do you like to eat? What kind of changes are you considering? What do you enjoy doing for exercise?
  • You can do it! I am sorry that your family & friends are not very supportive. That really sucks. Ignoring it can be rough too. But they are wrong and you can prove it to them and to yourself!

    Yay same height buddy!