Hi! I'm new

  • Hi there, wanted to introduce myself and my situation.

    I'm Sarah, 39. I was tentatively diagnosed with PCOS in 2005 - I was having miscarriages and had polycyctic ovaries and was overweight. I was then and continue to have regular, ovulatory periods. I do not have many of the typical PCOS symptoms - so at the time I sort of blew off the diagnosis. I conceived through IVF and then again naturally 8 months after my first was born.

    Since then I completely forgot about the PCOS diagnosis. I've been trying to lose weight for 2 years and started seeing a dietician several months ago. Despite following her advice on calories (1600/day) and exercise (30 mins, 5 days/week) I have not lost a pound. Finally I remembered the PCOS diagnosis and brought it up to her yesterday. Her advice was to cut to 1,400 calories a day and increase exercise to 6 days/week. I've also made an appointment with an endocrinologist.

    I'm looking forward to learning more about living with PCOS and also getting to know others who face similar challenges. It's been incredibly frustrating to work so hard to lose weight with no results at all.
  • Welcome!

    I was there, but I had to switch to a low-carb diet... Good luck!
  • Welcome!

    For me? Until my meds are right (thyroid, metabolism, hormones) I don't lose weight. That's not a reason to NOT eat nutritiously though while sorting it out with the docs. Hang in there!
