Vegan ideas for dinner on P1

  • Hello IPers,
    I have never been much of a meat person. But I have been alternating between eggs and chicken for dinner. Are there any other veggie options that I can try for dinner on phase1. Can I take lentils or lentil soup for dinner.
    I searched for vegan recipes but I am getting recipes for more on maintenance phase. Can anyone please help.
  • I am in the same boat as you hope - finding the meat to be a lot to get in. I seen tofu on the list but haven't added that in yet.
  • Quote: I am in the same boat as you hope - finding the meat to be a lot to get in. I seen tofu on the list but haven't added that in yet.
    I used tofu a fair bit during P1... just make sure you are using non GMO organic tofu since you are eating a fair amount of it. It works well as a scramble like scrambled eggs mashed up a bit with spices/salsa & veggies.
    Also I liked Sea-fu (Tofu with sea vegetables in it) - we are allowed sea veggies on P1 - seaweed lol. It had a lot more flavour and added vitamins from the seaweed. I used to cube it up at breakfast and mix it with Bragg Aminos Seasoning and Franks Hot Sauce and let it marinate til dinner then throw it in with stirfry veg.

    You have to get the extra firm though or it's yucky. The softer ones work well added to a smoothie made from your drink packet and spinach etc in it.

  • SOMEONE on here had a list of IP approved vegetarian choices and how much you need of each... They included tofu, Bocca burgers and such. You said VEGAN but if you are having chicken, then are you okay with vegetarian choices too? I don't know that the list was Vegan-friendly.

    Hopefully whoever has that list will pop up!
  • If you search for an user named "longdivision", she posted a lot of vegetarian ideas.