Aussie with a lot to loose

  • Hi.

    I am fat. Obese. Porky McPorkerson.

    The last time I weighed myself, I was 135kg. I have gone up three clothing sizes since then. I am only 30 years old and am sick and tired of being the 'fat friend' whilst all of my friends are falling in love and getting married. My last serious relationship was 9 years ago.

    This is out of control.

    So... I have signed up for Lite'n'Easy and am currently on day two. I am joining this board in he hope of making friends with people who are in the same situation I am, so we can support each other.

    Will you be my friend?

    (I tried to post gifs of Rebel Wilson doing the mermaid dance, and Tina Fey & Amy Pohler hi fiving, to show you how I roll, but it wouldn't let me. Use your imagination?)
  • The only things i've got in common with you are that i'm an aussie too, female and needing to lose weight.

    But i wanted to point you in the direction of a post i just wrote for another new poster. I'll get a link. IN it i put all my key advice. Since you've started on lite easy, you might not be interested in what i have to say but i would suggest you read it and save a copy of the info for another time. One minute i'll find the link.
  • Quote: The only things i've got in common with you are that i'm an aussie too, female and needing to lose weight.

    But i wanted to point you in the direction of a post i just wrote for another new poster. I'll get a link. IN it i put all my key advice. Since you've started on lite easy, you might not be interested in what i have to say but i would suggest you read it and save a copy of the info for another time. One minute i'll find the link.
    Sweet, thank you! Do you know of any good Aussie forums? I had a quick look/google and couldn't find much.
  • Hi Atalanta, No i never found a good aussie forum . I found one i thought might be ok but it was awful. Hardly anyone there because of one guy called bliss. At least that's all i could tell. This one is pretty good although its confusing at first and seems too huge. I use the posts subscription and new posts links a lot to keep up to speed.

    Give it a chance before you abandon it.
    Go and hook yourself into a thread in your age group or whatever else takes your interest. Don't mind that you are new. You will be welcome anywhere. Here we are pretty much all in the same boat.

    Good luck and see you around and about. I'm 50 so you see, nothing in common lol. Take care and good luck. Pm if you need to. But you can't do that for a while yet.
  • Hi Atalanta,

    I'm not Australian. But I am 5'6", in my thirties (35), and can completely understand about the feelings of loss as friend after friend gets married and suddenly people are looking at you with barely veiled looks of pity.

    First of all, congrats on making the first step! I am trying not to be upset about wasting so much time before coming on this journey! So jealous that you have a 5 year head start! :-)

    Second, don't try to take in this whole site. Find the places that match you and post regularly (I think daily helps you keep focused, especially at the beginning). Then troll the new posts each day, this is how I discover conversations and info that might help you focus.

    Third, if at possible find one or two people in the real world who you can talk to. Having someone at work to eat lunch with, log calories/points with, and talk about going to the gym with is great. My work friend had lost 50pounds before I was even willing to get on the scale and we do completely different programs but the support has been so effective for both of us. She inspires me, I motivate her to keep going. If you don't have someone like this (and I didn't for most of my life), then try to reduce the time you spend with people who don't inspire you on your journey. Try to do other things than eat with them, and if you must eat with them choose restaurants that fit your needs more and where you will not be urged to eat things you don't want to eat right now.

    Lastly, this is not a quick trip around the corner... This is a trek up Mount Everest. It will be long, sometimes feel unattainable, and when you finish you will feel incredible joy but know that the journey is not really over. What you need to know, is that you are surrounded here by an incredible group of Sherpas! We may not look the same or talk the same as you but we have to get to the top of the mountain too and we will surround and support you to get there as long as you continue to move forward. Happy travels!

    P.S. I love Tina Fey! :-)
  • Welcome!

    Not an Aussie, but I'm from Florida, so that's like being a Redneck Aussie of the South, right? I love Fey and Pohler, so we roll the same way anyway.

    Great advice to you already given above so I'll just add that I think one of the most important things to do on this site is to Jump Right In! Don't hang back and lurk! Jump in and start talking right away -- that is how you will quickly find the sense of community and help that we all need when tackling our weight issues!
  • Thank you, ladies. I really want to become an active member somewhere in here - I guess it is just about finding my place.