Progesterone Cream anyone???

  • Hi all! I was wondering if anyone has used progesterone cream to treat their PCOS? Specifically to treat PMS symptoms associated with low progesterone.

    I'll type out my back story, but its not a must read, I'm just curious about other people's experiences with progesterone cream.

    I was only recently told by my Endocrinologist that I'm a little PCOS-ish. I fully believe, as does he, that PCOS isn't a yes or no diagnoses. Its a spectrum type thing, you can have kind of low progesterone, and only have mild symptoms and I did have difficultly with my last TTC related to lo progesterone. This was probably related to as we get older our progesterone levels decline, and mine were likely always kind of low but into my 30s (with my last baby) they were too low to naturally maintain a pregnancy and I need progesterone supplementation.

    Now it is confirmed that my progesterone is low, and things like facial hair which I had for the past few years are getting worse. My Ha1c has shown very minimal insulin resistance. I have male pattern baldness, though its mild and I don't think its super noticeable yet. Also my PMS is awful, which from what I've read is a result of unopposed estrogen during that time.

    I had decided to treat this with OTC progesterone cream. I'm done having kids, so I'm not concerned with taking it after ovulation (I'm actually not entirely sure I'm still ovulating, but I thing so.) I know taking it before O can cause my not to O, so my only concern there is that my body's progesterone would then be even lower in response to an non O cycle.

    Hopefully this works to control some issues.
  • I agreed with my endoc not to change too many things in my plan at once because then we cannot track what worked how. Change one med at a time.

    So... I haven't gone that path (yet?) but I've read about it.

    I hope it works out for you! Keep us posted!

  • Following to read responses ..

    Have been recently "loosely" diagnosed and having to decide whether or not to use progesterone cream. .
  • Go For It!!
    Hope you don't mind if I pop in?

    I was diagnosed with PMDD (PMS on steroids as I like to say) and was originally offered a Mirena and anti-depressants to cope. HECK NO. Found another doctor who put me on bio-identical progesterone cream...the MAX amount...400mg daily during the last half of my cycle. (I'm in Canada and you can only get progesterone via prescription).

    Fast forward almost two symptoms have all but disappeared. Rarely get extreme water weight fluxuations (I could gain or lose 8-9 pounds overnight)...can turn off my mind at night and sleep without crazy sweats. Periods are cramping, few clots and a more manageable flow (TMI I know) and my moods are soooooo much more stable.

    I consider bio-identical progesterone cream worth its weight in gold. It would be worth platinum if it could speed up weight loss for me!
