~~May Golden Girls~~

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  • Happy Birthday Cajun ~ enjoy your day
  • Happy Birthday Cajun! I know you must be having a Wonderful Time!!!
  • Happy birthday Cajun, I hope you're having a great day!!

    Our son is here and he and dh are working on their car. And the gc (daughters) will be here soon as we are babysitting overnight. I'm still behind on my housework but I quickly vacuumed. DH also took back his recliner he recently bought at Costco. I'm glad they have such an easy return policy as he bought it in Mar and we had no receipt, box or anything. So we will move the old recliner (we had put in living room) back into family room until we find another one he likes. He loved the recliner, it was very comfy but the lever was so tight that even after he loosened it, he had to use his legs/knees so much to put it down and it would still swing back up! He tried a Lazy Boy recently and it wasn't that way. He doesn't have the strength in his legs/knees anymore and we figured going into his 80s it wouldn't likely get easier..

    Wannabe - Nothing I've ever tried has helped my am bs. Doc said as long it's just that one its not too bad. However even my am bs are much higher now and it is not easy to get them down even with eating well. I'm continuing to work on it because I know I can do better if I give up my eve eating but I honestly think at this time, I'm going to need a second med. In my earlier life I just naturally ate like 1-1-1 and I was very skinny although I also binged on junk food between meals and evenings. But then I was young and had a fast metabolism, and even into my mid-40s I had a pretty fast metabolism I think. However I gradually began to gain weight in my 30s and by my 40s was about the weight I am now. Then as I aged, it gradually went up more reaching a high of 183. The first 10# was quickly lost, but since then it's been a struggle, when I got up to 178 again, that's when I started trying different diets. I lost 33+ lbs once and 15 lbs once but otherwise it's been up and down. When I lose my arms and face look slimmer pretty early on but mostly my legs get skinny and the otherwise I just gradually slim down, I've never really gotten my belly down much. It is frustrating! It can be done but it's not easy! That's why I like 1-1-1 so much because it's going back to the basics I've always thought about eating, it's simple and doesn't feel like a diet because I can eat anything I want, as much as I want up to the the limits on those three nutrients which are as Cajun described, very ample. Veggies I can eat all I want.

    Cana - LOL isn't that the way it so often goes! Happens to me too..

    Well kids should be here soon so better end this..Hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day!
  • Happy Birthday Cajun.....happy dancing....happy fishing.....happy family fun....happy day!
  • Happy Mother's Day my Golden friends

  • Happy Birthday Cajun, Happy Mothers Day to all the moms....missing my boys...they live in Ohio with 6of my grandchildren...girls here in Florida...
  • Happy Mothers Day to you all! Hope you've all had good days. My 4 year old granddaughter says, "Happy Saint Mother's Day!" We had a blast with the kids yesterday, took them to church this morning. Our granddaughter says she loves our church because it has a swimming pool! LOL It's the baptismal and it's in the outer family room where you enter so she always sees it. She and her brother (7) are so cute and lots of fun!

    After church we met up with their mom and dad and ate at a Mexican restaurant , new to dh and I. It was the best Mexican food I've had in a very long time and we plan to go back again. No, I did not stick to 1-1-1. It was more like 3-1-1-2 LOL but I did only eat 5 chips (normally I would have eaten most of them because the salsa was SO good!), and I didn't order dessert. So not exactly a NSV but much better. Then just now my son invited us out to eat tonight and we turned him down!! So I did better at least..another good thing... I ate good all day and last night all I ate was a handful of nuts. Someone told me (not here) that a handful of nuts (1/4 c for me) helped their am bs. Not me. I was high this morning and I'm still high 2 hrs after lunch. Well, I'm still going to keep trying until July and if I have to have another med I guess that's the way it's to go.

    My dd gave me a large jar of an Origin's body cream. Seems it's one of Oprah's Favorite Things. It looks and smells good so can't wait to try it. Yesterday I got a miniature rose plant, a teddy bear and a small box of chocolates from my dil and younger son. Then at church all women who think of themselves as mothers were given a red rose too, so I feel very pampered this year.

    Deelee - don't feel bad...the scale was up a bit for me this morning too. But perhaps it's just a high day due to sodium ...often in a day or two it drops again. Hope yours will too. Just don't let it throw you off plan, keep on, keeping on.

    Glynne, Karen3, Wannabe, Cana, Rosey, Bobbi, Lynn, Jess...hope you'll having a good day..
  • Hi everyone. hope your day was a good one. Happy Mothers Day. we went to church this am and they had a blue grass gospel band playing for the service. it was awesome and the folks in the band so talented. came home and puttered around,my dd and grdd came by for a visit and and gave me African violet plant. dh not feeling so well today so I cooked chicken and vegie packets ( vegies in foil) for dinner. sat outside in the sun. so beautiful and can hear the birds now and things are finally getting green.this next week we will be headed to anchorage for my grs graduation. he leaves may 20th for his schooling in new York. im so proud of him but really going to miss him. sending moms day (((hugs))) for all rosey
  • What A blessed MOther's day I had! 4/5ths of my children were able to spend the day with me, plus my eldest brother, his wife, a new young couple from our synagogue came with their new born too! We sat outside on the deck, my ds grilled an assortment of veggies fro me and I even was given the right to pick what radio station we listend to! Hurray Country Music all day long.
    I did not veer off my healthy eating plan so I feel more in control than I have felt in years. Oh and my daughters' boyfriend also spent the day with us. Wich really warmed the cockles of my heart. HE's a keeper! G-d willing!
  • My food choices were terrible on Mother's Day. I didn't plan on eating what I ate, but it happened and I spiked! It's over. Today is another day. Back to my low carb.
  • Rosey...I accidently deleted that web address for oneegg something? The gastric diet site.....HELP PLEASE
  • Good morning ladies. Thank y'all for the birthday wishes. My weekend was a blast. It started early Friday. I got off work at 1. I had to get my drivers license renewed. When I got back dh was loaded and ready. We got to the camp and unloaded and headed to the lake. We fished until almost dark and it rained on us. The rain was so refreshing. I did nothing but giggle and keep fishing. We got back to the camp and cooked. Saturday morning we loaded up the boat and went back to the lake. We fished until 4 without any rain. The day was sunny and hot. We all took baths and headed to the marina for my bday supper. We sat on the deck and watched the boats come in and leave. My sister and bil met us there with a cake and they made the band sing happy birthday to me. Couldn't tell I was red with the sunburn again. Sunday we headed out to the lake just dh and I this time. Both sons had other places to go. We we're catching fish and I looked at the weather and looked at the radar and thought hmmm I wonder if that shower is in front of us or behind us. A couple minutes later I told dh I think we are going to get wet. Not a minute later the sky opened up on us. We got drenched again. This time umbrellas did no good. Wind was whipping. Rain was stinging. There I go again just giggling. We looked like drown rats when we got to the landing. We cleaned the camp and head home. I changed into dry clothes and headed to the fishing and hunting cleaning shed. We call it a skinning rack. It a lean to off our shed with a sink and cabinets that we clean fish and wild game on. Ds and gf came to help us clean fish. Well what do you know the sky opened up on us again. But we had a roof this time but again it was whipping and did no good. They put up a tarp and it helped but the wind would whip and I got soaked again. For the weekend with all 6 of us fishing we caught 586 bream. We cleaned 1/2 of them yesterday and got 24 lbs of filets. We will cleaned the other half this afternoon after work. Should get another 24 lbs. The reason we caught so many is because they were spawning. That's when they are bedded up and you can catch 50 in one spot. So I had an awesome birthday/ Mother's Day weekend. The boys gave me perfume, money and a gift card to bath and body works. So that was my weekend. I hope all of you had a very nice Mother's Day.
    It's Monday and I have a laundry basket full of wet clothes to get washed. I can tell a difference when it's just dh and I at the camp for the weekend. When they all come I have 3 times the laundry with all the towels from all the baths taken all weekend. But it was worth it because it was awesome having them all with us for the weekend.

    Got to get the clothes started. Be back later.

  • Quote: Gayle,i dont grease the mug,i bet if you used a sugar free cake mix the calories would be a lot less and diabetic friendly. I don't know the stats tho I just know I like it when I just have to have something sweet and its small, not the whole cake. there are some cake mug recipes in theworldaccordingtoeggface yup all one word,they are bariatric recipes and the mug cakes are more diet friendly. check it out ~ rosey
    K3 ~ here is the post with that web site Rosey was telling about.
  • Thanks Gayle
  • thanks