Another Monday

  • Well, back again. It's another Monday and yet another attempt to eat healthy and loss weight. Actually I eat a rather healthy diet, it's portion control that's the problem. Wish me luck that this is THE Monday.
  • If you have a smart phone--I-phone or android you can upload a free app called myfitnesspal--that will help you to keep from overeating. It's very simple to use and you can sync it with other apps to keep you on track.

    Then you won't have any more Monday's of starting over again. Take it seriously--today is a new day--and it is the start of something that is going to last.

  • Good luck on your journey. Try reading French women don't get fat. I picked up some new tips and have recently started doing courses in the french style. I noticed that this helps me eat less.

    I also have found that eating more salads and low calorie foods like beans and lentils make it easier to get full sooner.

    I tend to make a big bean salad for lunch which is a big meal but its mostly vegies so its low calorie. FOr tastiness i use olive oil, balsamic vinegar, a little bit of fetta cheese and not too many nuts or seeds. This meal has become one of my staple meals because i can vary it a lot and its not going to make me blow any calorie limit. I have rediscovered a pleasure in raw celery too.

    I don't have this every lunch but pretty often.
  • Thank you Kscott. App downloaded and I'm going have a good poke around and start using it.

    Thank you Pattience and I'll order that book from the library. I love salads and must make the time in the morning to make them.

    Will power, determination and motivation I have to supply myself!
  • Quote:
    Will power, determination and motivation I have to supply myself!
    I sort of agree with that. I haven't really felt the need of too much willpower. Or rather not too often. I try to avoid the need of it by not letting myself get hungry or too hungry because that can trigger a big appetite or ravenous sort of hunger.

    Determination and motivation definitely comes from within and i found that setting myself up initially with lots of it has helped me get through the more difficult moments.

    And the longer i go on the stronger i feel my commitment to my rules is.

    However i seem to have sapped all my motivation to my diet and haven't got much left for my work at the moment which is a pain.