Back to Normal Ol' Me

  • I have a very exciting 'non-scale victory' to share.

    I've pretty much been overweight all of my life, and about 4 years ago, for the very first time, I actually lost a bunch of it, yay! When that happened, I tapped into this whole new part of myself that I never knew existed. I shed a layer of self consciousness and just started LIVING. But then I gained weight. And I lost that person once again. For the next 4 years.

    One day recently, I realized that I was depressed. I didn't want to do anything, I didn't want to see anyone, I wanted to sleep always unless I was eating. Unbeknownst to me, that would turn out to be the big catalyst for my weight loss. I knew precisely why I was unhappy - I felt completely trapped, suffocated by this person who wasn't ME. And I just didn't want to be unhappy anymore. So I made some changes.

    Fast forward to now, a few months later and 20 pounds lighter. I'm watching myself transform into that lively person I once knew. I want to DO things, I'm not afraid to take risks, I smile and say 'hi' to strangers on the street. I'm happy and more importantly I'm allowing myself to be happy.

    I know, this is long winded. I can't fully express with words what this feels like, but let me tell you -- it's better than ANY number on the scale, even if that number is goal!!
  • Good for you and congratulations on your 20 pound loss. I think depression is the number one side effect of obesity. You've realized it, and are now on your way to a much healthier--happier you.

    Now to make you even happier--multiply the below x 20.

  • That's so wonderful!!
  • I totally know what you are saying but it doesn't even have to be about weight to feel like that. Just coming out from depression and feeling happy seems amazing. And you look back how you felt before and you realise this is how i should be all the time. This is how other people feel.

    So now you have this precious gift of mental health, you've got work at it too to keep it. It may not be just about your weight. Even with low weight you can get depressed so if you notice your mood slipping, or lethargy creeping in or irritability or any of those types of symptoms, try to figure it out and address whatever it is that's causing your mood slide.

    It might even been too much restrictive dieting. I'm not making this up. Your seratonin levels can slide as a result of dieting. So if you think it might be the case, increase you calories a little bit and ease up on the restrictive stuff until you feel better. i'm not saying go and pig out on junk food. Keep on eating well. But eat a little bit more.

    Meanwhile congratulations on all your recent successes.