Im new here!

  • Hi! My name is Hem1090. Today is my first day on this forum! Im really excited about my weight loss journey! In july of 2011 i weighed 202lbs. By february of 2012, i weighed 222lbs, and decided enough was enough, joined a gym, and promptly hired a personal trainer named Amy! Amy was great, she taught me how to use mybody in ways i had forgot how since quiting sports. The problem was, that the gym is in the exact same lot as Hardeez, Mcdonalds, Tacobell and Burger King. Great strategey guys. Soo.. as you probably guessed, i stopped somewhwre to eat after my hour long sessions. Around this same time, i started a new job serving at Red Lobster, and rediscovered my love for KeyLime pie. This is the same month my boyfriend decided to get fired, and i realized that im an emotional eater.

    In July of 2012, my family took a trip to Harry Potter World in Orlando Florida, and to my horror, i could barely get the extended seats to close, and my size 6 sister, who has always made off hand comments, had extra room in her normal size seat makeling the vaction i had been waiting for, a total nightmare and a horrific stain in time.

    FFwd to September of 2012, i now weighed in at a whopping 232 pounds. I had just transfered from RedLobster to Olive Garden, and my Bf had just started his new job at a high end restoraunt. During the summer of2012, till winter 2013 i had to suspend my training sessions due to money problems, i also went through 3 other jobs, my BF and i broke up, i moved temporarily back in with my parents, and then again in my BF after we worked things out.

    By March 10th of 2013 i had just started 2 of my jobs within 3 days of eachother, and rediscovered Fast food since i had a pay check i could now afford to eat out again, and started training sessions 1x/wk. I also got a severe and frankly, uncontrolable hunger for an old school tenderloin, french fries, and rootbeer dinner. It got so bad, that i was eating this every meal, every day, and this went on until about mothers day when i finally was able to make it home and have one of my mothers tenderloins that solved the problem. By that time however, i weighed upwards of 256 lbs, and felt so defeated.

    My girlfriend and I tried keeping tabs on eachothers diet for the summer, but with my 3 jobs, and her going to nurseing school full time, working as a CNA full time, and helping take care of her wheelchair bound father, plus the 140 miles inbetween us, it didnt last long.

    In August, i saw a good friend of mine that i hadnt seen since June, and she had noticeably lost weight. When i asked her what she changed, she said she talked to her Dr, and he prescribed her Phentermine. I pondered talking to my Dr about, but wanted the facts first, so after googling this pill, i decided it wasnt for me. By time i made it to my physician in mid November, my heart broke when i weighed in at 258 POUNDS! my dr was astounded, last time she saw me, i was 216, and could not beleive my weight gain. So when she brought up Phentermine. I jumped on it, and let me tell you, it was the best choice i have ever made!

    From November 16th, (aka Day 1) to december 23, i had lost 11 pounds, without changeing my diet much at all. The pill made me stop eating when i was full, instead of me mindlessly finishing my plate infront of the tv. I no longer was 3rd world country starving at ALLL hours of the night. In January i kinda fell off the Phentermine wagon, and rarely took it, i gained back 6 pounds and weighed 252. By mid february i was a staggering 240, and the scale wasnt budgin. I thought ok. Maybe its workout time, so i meaured my inches, and started a light workout program that took 5 minutes to complete and targeted my entire body. In 2 weeks, i had lost 4 inches all over, but the scale stayed the same.i went off the phentermine for one week. And when i started it back up again, i dropped all of my cash in my saveings account, moved every penny from my che@king to my saveings, and wrapped my debit card inside of my Favorite pair of lacey black panties, that i havent been able to fit into since 2011 that i want to wear to my sisters wedding in my bridesmaids dress. This way. It was virtually impossible for me to stop off at a fast food joint, cuz i had no way to pay, other than my checkbook.

    This plan worked for all of about a week when i ran out fridge food, and life came through, and we had a house guest for 3 weeks. So it was crap food at crap times of the night (no earlier than midnight was dinner everynight).. so now since last TUESDAY! (Today is wednesday) i have lost 6 more pounds! I eat mixed steamed vaggies for lunch, and dinner is something freshly homemade! (I dont eat breakfast cuz i live on the edge and wake up 15mins before work most days, which im trying to change so i can start takeing morning walks).

    I did the math today, and i am only TWO POUNDS!! Away from being the lightest ive been in TWO YEARS! And 13 pounds away from what i weighed when my weight really got out of control! I am OBSESSED!! With how thin my face and neck look, and if i gently run my fingers over my collar bones i can feel them for the first time, they arent stickin out yet, but they are definantly showing some promise of being visible by my birthday in June!
  • That's pretty traumatic reading. The living must have been ****.

    Congratulations for arriving here at least. what is your plan for losing weight.

    To me it sounds like you need a bit more strategy because as you say you are so close to the edge, you are always on the verge of falling off the wagon.

    The food you describe sounds too calorie restricted to be sustainable, since i'm giving my opinion. Anyway i'm giving my opinion and i know it can sound preachy so please dismiss my ideas if you aren't in the mood.

    Can i suggest you try something closer to what i'm doing. i know you don't have much time for fussing about and i know what its like to fall out of bed and run almost straight out the door to work. Although i always had time for breakfast.

    The first thing i'm doing, you seem to be trying to do anyway which is to cook your own food. And you are probably trying to cook decent nutritious food.

    But the second and important thing I'm doing and i'm trying to get as many people as i can do to this is to not restrict calories so severely. It really makes life more pleasant and weightloss more successful.

    It does take a little time at the beginning and if you have no awareness of the calorie content of food and portion sizes.But i don't spend much time on it really because i know.

    So be willing to keep a food diary. Keeping a food diary, makes it unnecessary to count calories every day. This will help you avoid all the calorie counting but you probably should still do it about once a week to start with. That said they have these phone apps that seem to make it easier for people to keep tabs.

    Figure out your maintenance calories. I'f your work is physically busy, go for moderately active. If its sitting on your bum all day but going out and about a fair bit, go for lightly active. I keep sedentary for a life at home. Anyway if that seems wrong for you, you can always change it later.

    When you know your maintenance calories, you can just lower your calories by a little bit or plug into the calculator that you want to lose half a pound a week. You will lose more than that but its an average and it enables you to eat enough to lose weight steadily but avoid getting too hungry and falling off the wagon.

    Then i eat three meals a day. Ok you can get by on two meals but they should be big meals if you are doing that. Or when you rush out the door, take a piece of fruit and a cheddarcheese and or salad sandwich. Or cheese and tomato or sardine sandwich or egg sandwich which you could have made the night before. All these contain good nutrition.Make the bread wholegrain with added seeds. These seeds they are put in it have lots of good oils and nutrients and it is more satisfying.

    Always Try to have some healthy suitable "diet" food available for when you get hungry unexpectedly. I find for myself its better to try to eat at the same times each day rather than be all a over the place. I think it raises your chances of success. I would avoid any processed snack foods like bars. Instead opt for fruit, natural yoghurt, nuts (not too many), wholegrain bread and things of that kind. They are low in salt and high in nutrition.

    When i go out to the city, i don't always want to take my lunch with me because i'm at home most of the time. So i plan to go to a restaurant or korean take away or get a salad sandwich usually. I would never go to a fast food high calorie place when i'm trying to lose weight. So if you think about more suitable healthy alternative in advance, you will always be prepared for a sudden hunger.

    I don't try to hang on too long when I'm hungry. I think it sets us up for failure but its also really uncomfortable. So if i get hungry, i try to get something to eat pretty soon. AT home its easy but when i'm in the city, i need to find somewhere. If there's a supermarket handy, its easy cause then i can buy fruit.

    Anyway that's not my whole strategy but i think i've gone on quite long enough. I've been doing this since early January and so far I'm doing really well. I have done it before too and got down to very low weight. This time i have a few extra strategies to help me make sure i keep it off for longer, hopefully forever.
  • Thanks for the advice! Im trying to do afast right now to get all the gunk out of my system and start fresh! Im eating the equivalnt of one balanced meal a day,but i break it up into 2-3 meals. I plan on doing this for about another week, then ill start with the healthier version of things, incorporating bigger portions of fruits and veggies,and more protien and such, along with a serious workoutprogram im jump starting this weekend!
  • well done on ur success so far and good luck 4ur journey!stay positive n dont give up-u can do it!:-)