Still Reading the Book...

  • Hi guys! I remember I was gonna start this diet but never got to it. I started the gym a month ago and I wanted to change my way of eating. I didn't want a diet that removed whole grains. I wanted something healthy that I could stick to. I did a diet quiz and this is the diet it gave me. I bought the kindle and have been reading for a couple of days. I'm a slow reader and it frustrates me because I want to start right away. Do you think I should start phase 1 even if I haven't finished reading yet?
  • I think you should finish the book and make sure you really understand about this WOE. A couple of more days before starting won't kill you! The second half of the book is mostly recipes anyway. If you're anything like me you'll wan to shop and develop some menu plans for Phase 1 so it can kind of be a no-brainer while you are actually doing it.
  • yeah you're right, I should finish lol. I'm just excited to start planning my meals and lose weight.