Gastric Bypass/ Herbalife

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  • hey cutesie - i was watching that show last night. scary on many levels - and frankly, i remember only too well the days when i was bedridden.

    Please look around this forum. We've posted a lot about relationships, preop and post op life, issues, and so on.

    as for herbalife - i tried it. the ma huang, though sent my blood pressure through the roof and i felt AWFUL. even though i was losing weight.

    there's a lot that goes into making a decision to have surgery - your relationship with food, how you're willing to live the rest of your life, how to handle vitamin deficiencies, and so on. it's not a cure-all. it's a tool that we all have to learn to live with, and not fight against.
  • mina - it sounds like you're making sensible changes no matter which path you choose. please, though, for your own safety and health, make sure to get your blood pressure checked regularly. i also felt really well for awhile with the herbalife, but then the BP thing really kicked in.