Extra Calories Averted! For the first time in nights

  • Just wanna brag that I didn't eat fast food tonight! With a busy schedule it always seems impossible to not take the easy route to the nearest fast food joint, but I did it. I had tuna with mayo and whole grain saltines. Yes, it may seem like it's not a huge victory or the healthiest alternative but it WASN'T fast food.

    Oh! Oh! My husband is approaching with mozzarella sticks...
  • I've got a similar success. On weekends I eat fast food a lot because my mom goes to them to eat... With me. I am proud to say I didn't eat fast food all this weekend! Yay us! We rock!
  • Congrats to both of you! I wanted Taco Bell last night, but ended up eating macaroni and cheese at home instead. Not the best nutritional choice either, but cheaper and fewer calories. Victory!
  • I caved and had Taco Bell on Sunday (it's gotta be my guilty pleasure as far as fast food goes). But I enjoyed it enough to stray from the fast foods the rest of the week. =P I'm not even exaggerating, one of my coworkers was trying to forcefeed me a donut yesterday. Haha. I had to politely decline.
  • I like this thread! It's very motivating! Tonight we were tempted by Chinese, but we had taco salads at home! Yes! It felt good to say no! ��
  • Quote: I like this thread! It's very motivating! Tonight we were tempted by Chinese, but we had taco salads at home! Yes! It felt good to say no! ��
    Thanks tdiprincess !

    I avoided a movie theater nachos last night at 9pm! It was sooooooo hard to say no but I knew that minutes after eating those nachos I was going to regret it...wasn't worth the hassle.
  • Good for you!
  • Quote: Good for you!
    Thanks! Hope you're having a great day!