Weight Training

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  • Quote: Lisa (great picture!), great points. The coach I saw yesterday (she isn't my normal coach - my normal coach has been on vacation), is a chiropractor and has a background in kenesiology. I am also researching on the net. I may not have explained correctly, she said that low weights and increasing reps would be better than increasing weight while on P1 so I didn't have to include additional protein. She also said core strengthening now will put me in a better position when all the weight is gone.

    I am a big research type of person, so I am going to verify all of it. I just want to get started on something.
    My trainer has me doing LOTS of body weight things (and a few free weight or band things)
    Core exercises (planks and there are LOTS of variations as one gets stronger)
    Push ups
    Balance ball & other balance work

    This is in addition to the PT work I'm doing for my back.
    I've done the super light weights before & just increased reps. You can literally get to 100s pretty fast, which is VERY time consuming, unless you also increase weights. We never get to the heavy weights we'd need to worry about for bulking up!
  • Quote: The hard thing for all of us to remember is we can't spot reduce and the effects of weight training will be seen over time.
    Very important to remember ^^^^ One other option that really works your core and has great resistance training for those other flabby bits is vertical water workouts. You don't have to swim - in fact my friend who is afraid when her feet are both off the bottom of the pool works out with me this way. If you are comfortable in deep water with a flotation belt - deep water running is great. You can also do aquacize in the shallower end but you will get the best results if you are in ribcage to chest deep water. You can challenge your core to keep you stable while you use your extremities in all planes of motion without the negating effects of gravity. And you don't get all sweaty. I have joint arthritis problems and although I lifted weights for 28 years, I can't use high enough weights to challenge my muscles anymore, so I workout in the water. I love it!