Beach Babbling - Wednesday, October 23

  • Good morning! It's pretty cold today at 0ºC/32ºF but the house is warming up quickly. A shawl over my robe helps. Supposed to be a sunny day though. I still have some houseplants outside and hope I can rescue them.

    Long session at the dentist yesterday - really hard on the back and ribs to be in that chair for 90 minutes. They diagnosed my weird gum pain as lichen planus - no big deal. My dentist is also talking about replacing some old fillings. Seems silly to me as they are still pretty solid after 55 years! Sucks to get old!

    Long discussion at the afternoon meeting of decorating the Village for the Christmas season. I am the velvet ribbon and greenery type but the other faction prevailed so it'll be tinsel, sparkly coloured lights and dumb Santa and elf cut-outs. I'm learning to choose my battles.

    This morning I will do the plants into the house migration if they have survived the cold. I have some herbs that I'd like to keep going indoors but we shall see. Off to do pet therapy this afternoon and drop off a couple of Victoria's quilts.

    Hmmm - must dig out the Halloween stuff for decorating and see what needs replacing. I will not stock up on treats until the day - tempt me not, Satan!

    So what's a-happening with you this morning? Got coffee or tea?
  • My coffee maker just beeped, Ruth, and I am anxiously awaiting a cup. I woke up even earlier than usual this AM, and couldn't fall back asleep (darned it). I am with you, velvet and greenery would've been much better!

    Yesterday was a very busy day at work, and gratefully - today doesn't look bad (hopefully I didn't just jinx myself!). I've lost 2 1/2 lbs of water weight already this week, I'm not sure if I should be proud of myself, or ashamed...since that means how badly I ate before that! It does make it more encouraging to eat well.

    I have this knot of anxiety in the pit of my stomach this AM, and not sure why (although I think my work and some of the happenings are a big reason!). It makes me definately make sure that I get at minimum a walk later today, it always makes me feel better.

    Off to get coffee!
  • Good morning!

    I'm more of a Currier & Ives girl, myself.

    I'm expecting my phone to ring any minute with Audrey wanting me to drive her to school and attend her classes with her today. Today is Parent Day but Cindy has appointments all day and Richard is out of town. I'd really rather not go, but I don't want to disappoint her, either. She was supposed to call me when everyone got home last night, but I haven't heard from her.

    I'd better grab another cup of coffee, quick, while I still have the chance!
  • Good morning Linda you are a wonderful grandma Ruth I'm with you and everyone else greenery!! I love a rustic look too, yet my home doesn't look that way at all. Maybe I should hire a decorator lol.

    Tammy I do hope your anxiety passes quickly. Congrats 2.5 WL is always great no matter if water or fat in my opinion.

    Off today back in tomorrow. Going to Joe's to clean up the garden. We really did nothing to care for it this summer and it shows. He is way too busy and I live too far to give it the attention it deserves. Been OP except for yesterday. Training class = diner. Wasn't too bad had a walnut chicken wrap and a few fries. Dinner well let's say I know nothing was OP lol, but it was soo good.

    Friday will be my cooking day. Looking for something new. Checked the boards last night, but not exactly what I want. Mightbtry and create a Mexican casserole using spaghetti squash as the crust.It is great DS will eat pretty much anything I make

    Well time to enjoy my coffee then get motivated. Have a great day
  • Good morning Tuesday is Tim's second shift day, so a late night than we spent a little time trying to get his computer set-up. I'm just finishing my first cup of coffee. Finally went to the dr. yesterday for this cough I've had since I was at that training last month. He gave me a broad spectrum antibiotic, thinks I got some weird hotel bacteria. As long as this annoying cough goes away I'm happy. I see lots of yogurt in my near future.

    Ruth - Add me to the velvet and greenery group. I've never liked all the cutouts and plastic characters.

    Tammy- Hope the anxiety is easing up. I hate waking up with that.

    Cottage - Those girls are so lucky you are part of their lives. What a great job for you

    Jennifer - I've been a new recipe fiend lately. It's so bad I started a pinterest board just to keep track of things I want to try Can't wait to hear what you come up with.

    Natasha - thanks for checking in! Hope all is going well for you.

    Looks like I've got another short business trip coming up. Some of our leaders are going to the national conference in DC next month. I'm going to go with them, just Wed. - Sat. before Thanksgiving. It will be fun, I'll get to see really old friends I only see when I go to this conference.

    Okay, time to get my plan together for the day and hit the road.
  • Afternoon chicks,

    Had a busy few days of interviews so please keep your fingers crossed for me! Ph1 is going well. TOM is going to ruin my 2 week weigh in but I may stay on for a few extra days...I've been enjoying it!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • Hello,

    Quick fly by for me I am in testing sessions all day for our project.

    Jekel I work in Healthcare so that is why they make it mandatory, even though I do not see any patients all day since I am at corporate site.

    Sounds like everyone is having a great day.

    Jenne fingers crossed for your interviews.

  • I guess my Christmas style is "nostalgia". I like the old fashioned twinkle lights and still use many of the decorations (including tree topper) from my childhood.

    Life is crazy yet I seem to have a day all to myself. DH went over the hill to check on the house and won't be back until tomorrow. I have the old junker car so can't really go anywhere. The $$electrician is working on the project and doesn't need a babysitter.

    I'm feeling great and am going to just stay home and work on "my" niggles...defrosting the chest freezer, organizing the other one....working in the office and who knows what else.

    Jenne, keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!

    Cyndi, I hope the medication helps.

    Twynn, hope your anxiety has passed...congrats on cleaning up your food!

    Ruth, Santa/elf cutouts aren't my style, either, but kudos for choosing your battles!

    Jennifer, have a great day off! It's so great DS eats whatever you cook!

    Linda, wondering if you had to go to school.....

    Happy hump day everyone!