I'm Back!

  • Although there doesn't seem to be anyone around from the last time (2003-2006)

    I'm Karen, a 46 YO Wife and mom of 2 teens! I was diagnosed with insulin resistance in 2003, didn't find out I truly had PCOS until 2008 when I had my ovaries removed.

    In 2003 I started Atkins at my doctor's urging and I lost over 60 pounds, fit in a size and was running 3-5 days a week. I kept it off for 3 years. IN 2006 Bronchitis struck. I am a severe asthmatic. For 7 years I fought with my doctors getting new ones trying to get off oral steroids. You know what that does to your blood sugar. Anyway, FINALLY this summer I found success! I have now been off steroids for 120 days and now working on all the weight I gained back. I have actually been on Atkins since Saturday. I do have to stay away from dairy and caffeine as much as possible because I also have GERD. we are trying to get me off of one of my GERD meds that prohibits the absorption of calcium, and I need all the calcium I can get because the steroids not only reeked havoc on my weight, but also my bones. I have mild Osteopenia so now its time too get back to it.

    Since my visit to the doctor on Friday I lost 9 pounds!!! I know that is water but I will take it!
  • Welcome back!! I wish you much success....congrates on the weigh loss thus far!