Tweaking Tuesday Beach Chat 10/8

  • Good morning apparently my food choices/portions need some tweaking. My sudden jump maybe attributed to hormones, but not certain. I do not seem to be retaining water. Or perhaps my DS is playing a cruel joke on me. The scale has jumped 7 pounds in 3 days!!! I am not going to stress....yet. I have a full day of P1 meals and snacks. Just need to not nibble when I get home.

    Welcome Alyssa!!!

    If I am up this early we all know why Hope you have a great day. Does anyone have a fresh cup for me? I am ready for a refill
  • Good morning, Jennifer. I'll pass a mug of Paul through the screen if you lean closer! It's much needed this morning as I left the deck door open and the house is freezing. 41ºF is a tad chilly for indoors. The doggage needed extra cuddles.

    Yesterday was mild but it sure poured rain which brought down a lot of the leaves. My car was parked in the lane and looked quite pretty by end of day with yellow maple leaves plastered all over the red. Despite the rain, the drive to quilting was just gorgeous. (I love living where I live!) We are now in for a string of mild and sunny days to take us into the Thanksgiving weekend.

    Not sure what today will bring but I do have to call some folks to bake for the big weekend at the Mill. I still have a mess of paper to clear from my desk. (Somebody keeps sneaking stuff into my IN-basket.) I've also got $2K in cash which has to go to the bank and into the Mill account. I'm trying to get over this rib stuff and resume normal life but there is slippage! (I've been babying myself with a pillow and heating pad and watching daytime TV while I hand sew a quilt binding! Today I start weaning myself off that.)

    Hmm - maybe another mug of Paul and then I'll read the news online. Happy Tweaking Tuesday.
  • Good morning chicks!

    Jennifer, thanks for starting us off. HOpefully, it is just hormones being cruel to you. I will admit, I will jump 3 lbs within days, and then they never go away. darned it.

    Ruth, that is a bit cold! We're going to convert over to gas, since oil is so stinkin' expensive. I hope you're back to yourself soon!

    Normal long day at work. I'm tired...definately in need of vacation, but not sure when that's going to happen

    Oh - from yesterday -

    Natasha , I read yesterday's before today's as well . I love reading your stories! (6 hour date?!?!)

    Alyssa, Welcome! We all slip...but that's why we keep coming in here is to stick with it .
  • Morning! Just a quick check-in on my way out the door.

    Natasha, good to hear from you!
    Jennifer, my thermos is full if you need some more coffee.
    Ruth, its 40* OUTSIDE, not IN my house this morning.
    Tammy, it's good to know I'm not the only one with those weight jumps. Today I am attributing mine to weekend restaurant meals.

    Got to run but I always check in later to hear everyone's news.
  • Morning fly-by I have an all day meeting so trying to get a few things off my desk before heading out.

    Thanks for checking in Natasha!
  • Good morning,

    Quick check in before my 8 a.m. call, I am doing wfh today so I can attend the funeral of my neighbor

    Went to Bulls/Grizzlies basketball game last night since DS ended up having to work and DH had no one to go with him, it was actually fun.

    Natasha glad you are settling in - that was a long first date

    to everyone else

    Have a wonderful day today.
  • Good morning.

    Yesterday's soup experiment was a success. I used this cabbage beef soup recipe (which is yummy as is) but pinto beans instead of beef, didn't bother to cook the onions, and veggie bouillon cubes. I stuffed in as much cabbage as would fit. DH approved.

    Today have groceries to buy for some new recipes. I have a couple of vegetarian books from the library so really need to try out some stuff before I have to return the books.

    Speaking of books... tonight is book club. Usually that means major food temptation. With my current struggles I am motivated to stay OP even if there is nothing there I can eat!

    Have a great day.
  • Good morning, everyone! It's a pleasant morning in the house today. DD got a new toy in the mail yesterday, so she is happily playing with that and has been since the second she woke up. It's nice that she loves her toy so much, but I did miss our morning snuggles on the recliner.

    I think we're heading to the city park for some energy-burning today. Naptime yesterday was very short and I didn't get nearly enough laundry or cleaning done. We're less than two weeks out from a 9-day trip and I know if I don't keep up with chores, I'll be going absolutely mad next week.

    Well, off to make eggs for breakfast! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Just checking in again.

    Yes, it was a FABULOUS six hour long first day. He even made sure that my football game was on the TV at BOTH establishments we went to. He seems absolutely perfect so I'm trying to be careful and keep my eyes wide open. My mom's timeless advice, which she gave to me tonight, was "don't fall into bed with him too quickly!" LOL Thanks for the vote of confidence, mom. LOL

    My manager called me into her office today and told me I'm doing a "wicked awesome" job and they hope that I stay. I told her I wouldn't lie to her face and that if I got an offer in dispatch, I would be leaving. She said she hopes I change my mind...then they fired the girl that sits 2 chairs down from me. *shrugs*

    Hope everybody is doing well!!!