A year later and in a pretty happy place again - FINALLY :)

  • So last year around this time - my ex fiance dropped the dreaded bomb that he wasn't in love with me.....


    I ate
    I gained weight *le sigh*
    I got depressed
    I cried ALOT
    I gave him a couple 2nd chances
    I gained more weight - super *le sigh* LOL
    I ate more
    I got more depressed.

    Well, at some point you decide that enough is enough. Through my whole "ordeal" if I can call it that. I read some self help books. I finally started digging myself out of my hole for my son and myself. I started getting out a little more, I started going on a few dates (UGH I have some stories LOL). I started finding myself again.

    A few weeks ago I met someone who so far seems absolutely WONDERFUL. I mean things literally happen the way people say that happen. I finally closed the FINAL door on my ex and then here comes this wonderful man who gives me the butterflies I never believed I would have again.

    Anyway. I'll stop gushing. Just stopping in to say Hello and that I'm back on the wagon.
  • Welcome back! And congrats on the new love!
  • I am really happy for you! That is great news!
  • I really needed to hear this. I am going through a divorce right now and it's terrible. Fortunately, we didn't have any kids, but it's still been devastating. I'm done, but I'm still hurting, and I'm just so ready to stop hurting about it. It's been four months, and while it is getting better, I'm not meeting the kind of guys I'm really interested in. I do have a shrink, and he keeps telling me it's because it's not time yet. Your post really helps. Thank you.
  • Good for you. Sounds like you're in a healthy place right now. Interesting what you can see in hindsight, huh? Congratulations on making the best of a bad situation.
  • Congrats on moving on and finding somebody else. That is great! Good for you.

    It was really hard for me to move on from my ex-boyfriend, but I am glad that I persevered and kept believing in myself. Your post gives me hope, thank you.