Coming back to the Flock

  • I just relized that I haven't actively tracked my calories in almost three months.. That is unacceptable so I am back here and making my self account for everything again. I didn't gain anything but haven't lost anything much either. So here I am again back to the grind stone. So hello to the new who don't know me and the old who haven't seen me here in awhile. I'm back
  • Welcome back! Not tracking calories AND not gaining for 3 months is AWESOME!
  • I actually magnaged to drop a few pounds somehow, but I just keep seeing where I could be had I actually stayed on "track" like I had been prior to that. I figure my body had a nice break an were ready to kick fats butt again.
  • Welcome back! 3 months without a gain is pretty impressive!
  • Thanks, It has yoyo'ed a bit up and down but nothing to shocking so it was an intresting "maintaince" break I guess lol
  • Welcome back!
  • Sounds like great practice for maintenance! Congrats on not gaining and wecome back!
  • Three cheers for not gaining! Look forward to hearing of your progress.
  • Welcome back!
  • Good job on the continued loss! And for noticing that you weren't keeping track!
  • Welcome back!
  • Welcome back! Love that long hair!
  • Thanks everyone
  • thinforme can I just say your hair is gorgeous! and welcome back
  • Thanks, lol though it's not normally blue.