
  • has anyone ever used she has this workout calendar for beginner's that i started, but then i decided i would rather focus on eating and cardio right now so that i can actually lose weight before i start that. you can follow the calendar (which really makes it easy) or just target specific parts of your body with videos she's made. she also makes meal plans, but...they aren't the types of meal plans that i think i could feasibly follow.

    and she is no joke! she's ridiculously strong and motivational and so stinkin' cute. bonus -- she doesn't make me wanna kick doors down like jillian michaels does (she's just not my type, i guess).

    anyway, just curious if anyone else tried this and what you thought. check it out if you haven't and let me know!
  • She is really cute! I don't think I can handle the oblique video I saw, yet. I'll try her out when I'm more fit!
  • I like her meal plans! Not sure if I could ever follow it precisely with my job but it's essentially what I should be eating. Haven't seen any of her workout stuff yet, might give it a look later. Thanks for sharing!
  • She is cute, but she is obviously expecting her "beginners" to already be fairly in shape. I have been on this path for years, working out and doing strength training for good chunks of that and I still cant do some of the stuff she has listed. Like planks and burpees lol
  • BUMP!

    So I signed up to her newsletter because I was curious what her monthly calendars looked like. Then I got an email to the beginners workout month; I was wondering if anyone wanted to join me?! It looks pretty good! I'm going to give it a go after my summer vacation (so in 2 weeks, but I'm looking forward to it regardless)
  • i've started it and it is toughhh! she doesn't mess around. but i already have this printed out and have been kind of wanting to do it, so with someone else sounds awesome. i'm in!
  • Awesome! I'm going to start it on the 19th August. I've already printed it out and it's staring me in the face waiting for me to begin. Do you think you could wait or are you going to dive in early?
  • I checked it out and it looks pretty tough but a group might help motivate me. I need to exercise to kick start this weight loss stuff!
  • ooh i watch her videos on youtube, i had no idea she was diong blogilates. i must try it out because i really like her videos and exercises
  • sorry it's taken me so long to respond -- i had issues with forgetting my password and having trouble resetting it. it's all taken care of now! i'm probably gonna go ahead and start, but i don't see why i couldn't re-start with you as of august 19th riestrella
  • Riestrella and Alabama, I'm with you if you need another August 19th starter. That program looks awesome!