Breathless hours after workout?

  • So today I did some cardio (attempted) for the first time in over a year. In fact, it was the first time I attempted to do any kind of exercise in over a year. I did that about 9am. I got home EXHAUSTED. I relaxed, showered, played on the computer (I'm telling you, that exercise drained me). I had to go to sleep for a few hours since I work 7p-7:30a. I woke up a little sore (I'm more than a little sore now, though. It's difficult to stand up from sitting down and it's hard to sit down from standing up. Lol). For some reason, though, walking up and down the hallways have been a little difficult tonight. I feel like I'm having to catch my breath. I haven't had to do that before tonight. Not that I've noticed, anyway. Is that normal?
  • Did you work out too hard? For the first attempt, you should start out your way up. And make sure your getting enough calories, you don't want to burn calories you can't afford, your body needs fuel!

    I'm a diferent scenario, I'm on medifast which is very low cal...800-1000 calories...and I know the first time I had heavy activity (I played baseball with 7 year olds, it wasn't that heavy, and no more then i'm used to) I almost passed out from too much activity and not enough fuel..I was completely drained all day, I had zero energy. Same thing when I brought the twins I nanny out for a walk...about 3 days into medifast we took a 2 mile walk and it was literally ALL I could do to get them in their high chairs, fed, and into their cribs...then I DID collapse. Now my body has adjusted and I can run 2 miles on the treadmill, no problem, and exercising regularly has given me SO much more energy. But I've been on this diet for 2 months, and I started out super slowly!
  • Do you think you could have exercise-induced asthma?
    If I were you I'd go see a doctor. I can't see any reason why you should be breathless for this long after exercise. Unless you think the pain in your legs as you walk is causing you to breathe differently?
  • I do have asthma, both exercise induced and allergen. This was far from an asthma attack. I'm thinking it's my leg muscles. They are VERY fatigued. I did push myself too. After going so long with very little activity, the little bit that I did do just took it's toll on me. It was just weird feeling like it took so much effort to do something I do all the time. I'll have to agree with Andi on this one. However, because of that I'm definitely not going to take it easy. There is no way I'm going to let a little fatigue keep me from accomplishing what I've set out to do. As long as I get enough sleep and eat properly I should be fine. Thank you, both, for your input. It's greatly appreciated!