Skinny Cow products?

  • Hi,
    I was looking for something sweet to have after dinner, and I was wondering if Skinny Cow ice cream products are allowed on phase 1?

    Does anyone have any other ideas for a sweet treat in the evening (keep in mind that I'm in Canada, and we don't have everything the US does)
  • Probably not unless you have different varieties there. All the ones I've seen here are low fat but contain sugar, HFCS, etc so not allowed on any Phase
  • No to these products - they all have sugar...and other things like Cyndi mentioned.

    Go to the recipe section for phase 1. I just made bean brownies for dessert for DW. We also have SF Jello on hand and as always the Peanut Butter Cup dessert kills cravings!
  • Yeah definitely not allowed

    I love those products but try to stay away from them in general.

    There are lots of phase 1 dessert recipes in the recipes section
  • I saw you asking about drinking beer on the weekend in another thread and then saw this one about ice cream.

    The most successful people on this forum have a solid plan in trying to eat healthy, low calorie foods and getting their head in the game. The mental part of dieting is just as important as what we physically eat.

    I think you might need a little more planning before committing yourself to the South Beach diet. I don't want you to lose your motivation if the diet "doesn't work", but there are rules to be followed to be successful.

    Do you think you might do better with one of the calorie counting plans?