Starting Medifast next week!

  • Hi, I'm Andrea, I'm 24 years old 5'2 and bouncing between 175 and 180. I've tried so many different diets since I was 16, Vegetarian, Weightwatchers (many times over), advocare, slimfast, calorie counting, but I've never been less than 150 and always gained it right back. I'm cautiously optimistic about Medifast; after a lot of research I decided to give it a shot, and ordered my food for a month. I talked to my coach for the first time yesterday and she was super nice and encouraging, so I'm really hoping this will work. I like that there is less room to cheat. With weightwatchers I felt like all I ever did was save up enough points that I coudd have my ice cream, and with the weekly extra points I didn't really eat any differently then I did before. So I'm determined this time to finally reach my goal weight and keep it there, and I know I need support to do that, so I came here
  • I'm on day 14 of Medifast. I'm doing it through a Medifast Clinic though, not online. I've been pleasantly surprised how easy it is. I haven't been seriously tempted to cheat even once. My 2-week weigh in was today and I'm down 9.9