Not IP Related But Desperate...Cold Sores/Fever Blisters

  • I just would like to know if anybody out there has ANY suggestions for cold sores/fever blisters. I burnt my face on holidays and have two large blister clusters on each side below my mouth. It is ugly and itches like crazy. I have started taking lysine because I read it helps some people.(Yet another supplement...who needs to eat with all of them?) I have tried prescription antivirals in the past with no avail. Oh boy....And tonight I work nights in a place that I only work casual and am dreading it. So vain hey? Anyhow....any home remedies or otherwise would be appreciated!
  • Quote: I just would like to know if anybody out there has ANY suggestions for cold sores/fever blisters. I burnt my face on holidays and have two large blister clusters on each side below my mouth. It is ugly and itches like crazy. I have started taking lysine because I read it helps some people.(Yet another supplement...who needs to eat with all of them?) I have tried prescription antivirals in the past with no avail. Oh boy....And tonight I work nights in a place that I only work casual and am dreading it. So vain hey? Anyhow....any home remedies or otherwise would be appreciated!
    Acidopholis. I'm sure I've spelled it wrong but can't find my bottle. While Fever Blisters are a result of the virus the outbreak is likely triggered by an imbalance of intestinal enzymes. At the earliest sign of an outbreak I start taking this and it shortens or stops the blister within a couple of days. Lysine has never worked for me.

    Naturally I'm not a doctor and am not giving medical advice but ask a pharmacist if this will work - that's where I got the information.
  • Great. I have some here!!! I have suffered with these things for years. Right now I am sitting with a lysine paste on them. Read that somewhere. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I honestly think my supplement count is through the roof. Lol. Better than prescription drugs though! Thanks M35A2!!!!
  • I always use tea tree oil. Place a drop directly on the sores every couple of hours. Helps to dry them up and heals them quickly.
  • Zovirex cream , you can find it on line. Works like a miracle!