Help from you more experienced lifting ladies (or gentlemen)

  • So I am I trying to set up a program for myself. I have tried both New Rules For Women and Jamie Eason's lifting plans. The reason I am not going to do either of those programs right now is that I am in training for a half marathon, and want to do additional half marathons throughout the early summer and maybe a few this next fall. Both of those programs are very intensive and full body workouts. I do not want to do full body workouts while training in running. I'm not looking to make my fastest times, but I enjoy running and in the past I usually stick with a program better if I am also running.

    I want a program that splits my workout in muscle groups. This means that I can lift shoulders for instance and still run that day. And the following day I could lift legs and not have an issue with training the same muscle groups consecutive days.

    So here are my questions. I want to know how many lifts I should be doing for each group. I want to design my program with a minimum and maximum lifts for that day. The reason I want that kind of flexibility is so that when I have energy, or I dont have a long run in the next couple days I can hit the weights really hard and do those exhausting types of work outs. But if I am tired, low on time, need to get a long run in the next day etc, I can have an option to still work that muscle group but make it a little less stenuous or time consuming.

    My plan is to have separate days including:
    4:Arms (triceps and biceps)
    5:Shoudlers and Abs

    Whats the minimum I should do for lifts of each group? In the past I usually try to do at least 4 lifts ina day. But sometimes I feel like that isn't enough? I plan to do three sets of 6-12 reps. But want to exhaust on the last rep of the last set.

    Any exercises you swear by that I should try and include in my program. I have the 'ifit' app which shows a bunch of lifts, but I get overwhelmed trying to determine which lifts are best. I plan to build a program and stick with it 6 weeks before I try to mix it up.

    Thanks again in advance for any help. Perhaps I shoudl hire a trainer, but currently dont have the extra money for it. Hoping after sticking through 6 weeks I might do a few trainning sessions as a reward. Also FYI I lift at a gym that has both free weights and machines. I prefer free weights because I like to feel that I am using stabilization muscles as well as the isolated ones. But i am willing to do machines too. Whatever will get me results and get my strong and lean!
  • Seeing as how you already lift I would recommend using a non linear periodization or often called undulating periodization. If you're doing a separate body part each day I would work on varying rep tempo. 12-15 slow reps, 12-15 fast reps, 6-12 medium tempo reps, 1-5 rep fast as you can max reps. I would do 4 exercises at Least per muscle group with at least 4 sets per exercise. This should give you stabilization, strength, size, and speed.

    Before you're resitance seeion I would warmup with some foam rolling, some dynamic stretching, then 10 minutes on the elliptical. Then I would spend 10-20 minutes on core, balance, and maybe some speed agility and quickness work. Very fun stuff, very good for runners. The you're 20-30 minutes of resistance.

    Look up using bands attached to dumb bells, medicine balls, kettle balls, etc along with your dumb bells, machines, etc.

    Eat a lot of whey. More than what you weigh in protein to keep you're energy and recovery up. Calorie count it to stay thin if that's you're thing. Eat a lot of fruit too.

    Good luck. I would suggest finding a personal trainer with a corrective exercise certification so as you can find out any muscle imbalances that you need to straighten out. I would also train some full body days so you're body can learn to operate as a team.
  • Quote: So I am I trying to set up a program for myself.
    Awesome. What kind of program exactly, as in what are you trying to accomplish? Strength? Great, just know that your running training is going to slightly impact your progress. And probably vice versa, long-distance running and strength are so opposite its challenging to train both at the same time.

    Quote: I want to know how many lifts I should be doing for each group.
    Well if your training for strength you should be right around 5-8 reps per set, max 5 sets. If your training for muscle endurance, shoot for 10-12 reps. But if it were me I'd stick to strength reps (5-8)

    Quote: I want a program that splits my workout in muscle groups.
    Of course you do. If I were you, I'd combine two upper bodys sections, leg day, with running and core work sprinkled throughout.

    For example:
    M Big Run
    T Chest/Back, Mini Run
    W Leg Day, no running as your legs will already hate you
    T Rest (active recovery/stretching)
    F Arms/Shoulders, Mini Run
    S Big Run
    S Rest (active recovery/stretching)

    Don't be afraid to bundle muscle groups or even try a "whole body" day. You'll be sore, but get yourself a foam roller and eventually you will get used to it. As you progress, bump up your runs or try adding a mini-run to a rest day.

    Also, look into cardio strength training. The number one best example being kettlebell swings. Doing something like a 5 minute kettlebell tabata with a heavy bell will get you some of the best of both cardio and strength worlds.