Things you'll miss from being big

  • Let's face it, you never have a dull night out with a fat guy. And I was no exception.

    Anything you'll miss once you are less large?
  • Nothing, zip, nada, zero !
  • No!
  • I do, I miss being able to eat whatever I want. Being fat sucks!
  • Well, I do miss the days of eating whatever I wanted and not having to think or worry about anything. My weight was pretty stable for years too, no matter what I ate or how I ate. THAT I do miss.

    Do I miss the lack of energy? the bad skin? the feeling huge? And more recently, the health side effects? No... that stank and that's why I changed.
  • Quote: Let's face it, you never have a dull night out with a fat guy. And I was no exception.

    Anything you'll miss once you are less large?
    I know what you mean! There's nothing I can think of that I'll miss, but I kind of have this weird fear that my personality will change.

    I'm a pretty easy-going, fast-friend making person, and in the back of my mind, I sometime think if I go through this huge change, that part of me may change too. I know it's ridiculous, but it's there.
  • Being through a major weight loss before - 100 pounds - what I missed then was my physical strength. With a prior weight loss I lost both fat and lean muscle mass.

    In the back of my mind when starting IP was "Is this going to happen again?"

    But, at this very moment what will I miss about being "big", "overweight", "fat"? Not a bloody thing. I'm not worried in the slightest - I don't believe in the whole Nutty Professor thing where I will turn into a completely different person - i.e. a jerk - personality wise.

    I still have my height and am will still be a bigger than average person who can be helpful - "Sir, can you reach the item on the top shelf for me?" type of help.

    Because I'm overweight no one has ever asked "Hey fatty, can you stand/sit on this to keep it anchored to the ground?"
  • I'm nowhere near skinny but I already miss eating whatever I feel like eating and in industrial amounts of them. Also, I miss riding "shot gun" automatically when I'm not driving lol.

    Other than that, I don't see many downsides. I have more energy, my knees aren't hurting anymore and I stopped getting heartburn all the time. I suppose that's a good trade off :-)

  • I won't miss anything about this. Being overweight is the saddest thing I ever did to myself.
  • Wow, you guys are focused!