fell and kicked over wagon yesterday..ketosis again??

  • Hi. I went to a wedding with all good intentions and it did not go very well at all-calorie, fat or carb wise. I am going back to medifast today but was wondering if the next 3 days are going to be like the first 3 days with headaches and dizziness. Thanks
  • Very likely. Although for me, it's not as bad as the first time. If I eat too many carbs on a weekend, I'm hungry on Monday, and starving on Tuesday, and fine after dinner on Tuesday.

    The good news is you've done it before and survived, and you know it will end. Hang in there!
  • Quote: Very likely. Although for me, it's not as bad as the first time. If I eat too many carbs on a weekend, I'm hungry on Monday, and starving on Tuesday, and fine after dinner on Tuesday.

    That's how it works for me too...
  • I didn't get headaches or dizzy etc when I fell off. I did get hungry the next day and pretty much tried to take people out when I saw chips the second day but by day three everything was okie dokie again..
  • Yes, exactly what previous girls say. It was really difficult for me when I was struggling to get in ketosis again. It is definitely what prevents me from going off plan again. Just hang in there, be strong and you'll get to ketosis. Good luck :-)