Prenatal vitamins prevent breast tissue loss?

  • I was talking to a lady in a store while looking for bras and she said that she was told if you take prenatal vitamins during weight loss you will not lose as much breast tissue as you would if you didn't. Well my ears perked right up let me tell you! I asked if it would help replace the tissue, fat whatever you want to call it once it was gone and she said she didn't know but she thought she might give it a try, I laughed and said I might try it too. Has anyone else heard of this? I know it is probably not true, that it is just wishful thinking but imagine if it worked.
  • There are very minor but important differences in prenatal vitamins, mainly folic acid which needs to be taken prior to when most women realize they are pregnant. There is nothing in them that would prevent you from losing fat in your breasts. That is all genetics.
  • I doubt it, maybe she just sees most pregnant women with large breast, I know mine competed with my stomach the whole way through. But if u don't take any other vitamins then try it and report back, u can be our little ginnie pig (no pun intended)
  • I would love if this were true, because maybe it would explain why 100 pounds down, I'm still carrying around an H cup set. However I have a feeling it's more genetics than prenatals. If it helped preserve or grow breast tissue, I'm sure half the women in the world would be popping them like tic tacs.
  • I take a pre-natal vitamin every day but never had a baby. My body is losing weight everywhere (thank God!) so I am happy I can finally go back to my smaller bras. As far as I can see, my vitamins didn't effect me one way or another, just helped me with my daily nutrients (aka the vitamins).
  • Last time (and this time) I lost the weight, my boobs never got smaller. I was hoping they would, but they didn't. It's all genetics. I was not on prenatal vitamins during then or now. I was on them while pregnant and a few months prior to getting pregnant.

    I don't see how extra folic acid would help you retain your breasts. The reason you are supposed to take it while pregnant is it helps prevent your baby from being born with an exposed spine. (spina bifida? I think)
  • I couldn't figure out why they would have an effect either. I was a DDD before I got fat, went to an F and now am back to a DDD. It was just such an intriguing idea, of course if it were tru all pregnant ladies on vitamins would have huge knockers, well even bigger then they get while preggo, lol.
  • Quote:
    I don't see how extra folic acid would help you retain your breasts. The reason you are supposed to take it while pregnant is it helps prevent your baby from being born with an exposed spine. (spina bifida? I think)
    Yes you are correct. Apparently it's one of the only conditions/diseases that a mother can actually have personal control of preventing by taking this simple vitamin. (Imagine a mother-to-be not taking it? *Shudders and gets off my soapbox.*)
  • well, i took prenatals and it surely didn't prevent anything, in fact, my breasts were the same size. my milk actually didn't even come in until almost three weeks after my daughter was born. and it don't help them now that she doesn't drink as much milk, and i wish it did only because "gravity is taking its effect" if you know what i mean :/