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  • Lol!! I knew what you meant!
    Thanks for the support, Tracy. I think I'll be okay too. Judging by my clothes and my appearance on my recent vacation, I may need to get a couple of form fitting tops. It will showcase my weight loss better.

    I'm super excited and pumped. The stars must have aligned in my favour for a change......
    I dropped two pounds overnight. I'm shocked to say the least.
    I now weigh less than I did before I went away!

    Current weight: 141.0
    Goal weight: 140.0
    ONE pound to go to reach my goal!!!!!!

    Tracy, have you started LAWL yet? I hope you do soon... one day at a time. Also, I hope that WW is getting you the results that you want.
  • I'm still in my WW holding pattern, but am down a pound. I am finally back to regular exercise--I did over an hour of walking today. Some at the gym, and the rest around my hilly neighborhood. I can't lose weight without regular exercise.

    Good job on being nearly at goal!
  • I was busy with houseguests for a few days. Unfortunately I gained two pounds back.
    How easy it is to gain! I could have had total control of what i ate but I didn't have a minute to think! Eight kids demanding my attention took its toll on me!
  • I am still 'maintaining' at 143.0 lbs. I'm happy with that weight considering all that food, and might I add junk food, I ate yesterday! I just couldn't stop myself. I can usually eat a few potato chips and call it quits but I couldn't stop yesterday. I ate bowl full after bowl full and also squeezed some pieces of chocolate in just for the fun of it! Agh.
    Today I'm back on the bandwagon... I was doing so well until I got my little house guests.
    I couldn't post during that time as I couldn't even get to my computer!
    Also, for some reason, I couldn't post on day. It wouldn't let me and I didn't know what to do about it. I just gave up and tried yesterday. I don't know how I managed to post yesterday and had trouble before. Weird.
  • Quote: I am still 'maintaining' at 143.0 lbs. I'm happy with that weight considering all that food, and might I add junk food, I ate yesterday! I just couldn't stop myself. I can usually eat a few potato chips and call it quits but I couldn't stop yesterday. I ate bowl full after bowl full and also squeezed some pieces of chocolate in just for the fun of it! Agh.
    Today I'm back on the bandwagon... I was doing so well until I got my little house guests.
    I couldn't post during that time as I couldn't even get to my computer!
    Also, for some reason, I couldn't post on day. It wouldn't let me and I didn't know what to do about it. I just gave up and tried yesterday. I don't know how I managed to post yesterday and had trouble before. Weird.
    What plan are you on? I am debating between the new plan 2 and the gold/blue plan. I am currently 162 and want to get down to 150 by the end of next month. I am going to start working out 30-60 minutes a day...
  • HI Barri: I am on the Daily Menu Plan 1. I love it. It really worked for me in the past and is working for me again.
    Funny thing.... I started on the Gold plan when I first started and then they switched to the numbered plans and told me that it was much better. I happened to be at the spot where I had to go 'down' anyways and they switched me over.
    I don't remember much about the gold plan (although I still have the book) but the number plan makes so much sense to me.... it is my way of life.

    I strongly recommend that you start with the numbered plan. I think you will really like it.
    BTW, I lost all my weight without doing any exercise.
  • Quote: HI Barri: I am on the Daily Menu Plan 1. I love it. It really worked for me in the past and is working for me again.
    Funny thing.... I started on the Gold plan when I first started and then they switched to the numbered plans and told me that it was much better. I happened to be at the spot where I had to go 'down' anyways and they switched me over.
    I don't remember much about the gold plan (although I still have the book) but the number plan makes so much sense to me.... it is my way of life.

    I strongly recommend that you start with the numbered plan. I think you will really like it.
    BTW, I lost all my weight without doing any exercise.
    How long did it take you to lose it?
    I think I have to start on Plan 2. I do want to exercise...stress relief! I am hoping to be down to 150 by the end of April.
  • @Barri: I started this whole new weight loss journey in mid-September 2012. I lost most of it before the Xmas holidays and I've been up and down since. By the end of January I finally reached my pre x-mas weight (there were so many more gatherings every weekend in January) and I finally lost more weight by mid-February. I was just 2lbs shy of my goal when I went away for a two week vacation.
    It took a lot to get back on the bandwagon but, once I started to notice the weight dropping off, I quickly stayed on the path.
    Then, my neices and nephews came down for a few days for their spring break and I was trying to entertain 8 kids. I didn't really follow LAWL during that time and ended up gaining!
    I was just one pound shy of my goal and .... well.... here I go again!
    It's so easy to gain the weight we work so hard to lose.

    Plan 2 sounds like the best plan for you. I never had that plan and just tried to lose the weight by sort of using the old gold plan until I got down to the ideal weight to start the Plan 1.

    Stay true to the lifestyle of LAWL and you will lose weight for sure. You can definitely make your goal by the end of April.

    Do post often and let us know how it's going.
  • I am just trying to maintain this week. My daughter is home from college for spring break. I have healthy food in the house, and take snacks with me, but I'm sure once or twice we will be out and about and have lunch. I also find that I don't go to the gym as regularly when I have "company."
  • ok so today is my first day of 100% I decided to go with Plan 2. I am going to try and get 30-60 minutes of exercise everyday. I am starting at 162.4...still hoping to be at 150 by the end of April! I have to go to a BIG banquet with my husband for his work the last Friday in April so I really need to get this off ASAP so I can look for something to wear! I will try and weigh every other day and see how that goes...I will post my weight so maybe that will help me to be accountable!
  • Agh.
    I just typed this whole big update and encouragement to @Tracy and @Barri and I don't know what happened.... I guess it's floating somewhere in cyberspace!
    I'll catch up when I get back.... I have to go out for a bit.
  • Hi! After moving from one weight loss plan to another and another and another, I have decided to come back to LAWL. I lost alot of weight in the early 2000 - my books are from 2004 and am planning to use the same books. I am starting out in the red plan. So far today I am doing great although I am trying to hold the soda down to one bottle. I know the last time I did not cut out the soda and still lost but this time I am trying to go by the book. Loved reading your posts and hope to be on more.
  • Welcxome, Judithanne! The more the merrier.

    I have promised myself I will get back with my LAWL proagram after my daughter goes back to school this weekend. I have been following my backup plan, WW 1-2-3 Success from the late 1990s. It is my plan to use when I need extra flexibility. I have decided that although I will not promise to be perfect, I will always have Plans A and B, instead of giving up when I have a dinner or other outing to go to.
  • Hi Judithanne and welcome! It will be nice to get another perspective on this whole weight loss journey.

    @Tracy; Sounds like you have a great plan that works for you. I like the fact that you have the flex. when you need it and that should keep you on your goal.
    I was in the exact same boat as you are in last week. I had 8 kids in my house and was busy entertaining them. My 'diet' flew out the window and I ended up gaining weight and my streak was over. It was a good run.
    Hang in there. Enjoy your time with your daughter.

    @Barri: I'm glad that you are doing Plan 2. I think you will see the weight just fall off of you. Stay focused and determined and you will lose it before the end of April. Then you can walk into your party wearing a nice fitting dress and have all eyes on you! Keep that image as your goal and you should be fine.

    And now for me.....
    I decided that I need to get back on track. I didn't really follow LAWL yesterday but I was aware of what I was eating and I ended up losing one pound overnight! Yeah! Now I am jumping back on the bandwagon and want to lose that weight.

    Current weight; 142.0
    Goal weight: 140.0
    2 lbs to go! I was exactly at this weight just before my holidays.
  • Well I lost ALL control last night...I had a few drinks then all my willpower went out the window! I didnt even step on the scale this morning!

    Today is the first say of spring...time for new beginnings...time to turn over a new leaf...I WILL not cheat! Not even a little until the end of April!

    The hardest thing will be Easter Dinner...we are going out with my parents and my inlaws...hopefully I can find something LAWL friendly!

    I can and will do this! My biggest obsticle now is deciding what plan is best for me...I lost 30lbs in like 6 weeks on the blue plan right before I turned 35...now I am 42 and hoping that plan 2 is the best for me at this point in my life!!!